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tv_augmentp - Online in the Cloud

Run tv_augmentp in OnWorks free hosting provider over Ubuntu Online, Fedora Online, Windows online emulator or MAC OS online emulator

This is the command tv_augmentp that can be run in the OnWorks free hosting provider using one of our multiple free online workstations such as Ubuntu Online, Fedora Online, Windows online emulator or MAC OS online emulator



tv_augment - Augment XMLTV listings files with automatic and user-defined rules.


tv_augment [--rule <file>] [--config <file>]
[--input <file>] [--output <file>]
[--log <file>] [--nostats]
[--debug <level>]

tv_augment [-r <file>] [-c <file>]
[-i <file>] [-o <file>]
[-l <file>] [-n]
[-d <level>]


Augment an XMLTV xml file by applying corrections ("fixups") to programmes matching
defined criteria ("rules").

Two types of rules are actioned: (i) automatic, (ii) user-defined.

Automatic rules use pre-programmed input and output to modify the input programmes. E.g.
removing a "title" where it is repeated in a "sub-title" (e.g. "Horizon" / "Horizon: Star
Wars"), or trying to identify and extract series/episode numbers from the programme title,
sub-title or description.

User-defined rules use the content of a "rules" file which allows programmes matching
certain user-defined criteria to be corrected/enhanced with the user data supplied (e.g.
adding/changing categories for all episodes of "Horizon", or fixing misspellings in
titles, etc.)

(see "perldoc -F Augment.pm" for more detail)

--input FILE read from FILE rather than standard input.

--output FILE write to FILE rather than standard output.

--rule FILE file containing the user-defined rules.

--config FILE configuration file containing a list of which rules you want to run.

--nostats do not print the summary log of actions performed, or list of suggested fixups.

--log FILE output the stats to this FILE (default = augment.log).

--debug LEVEL print debug info to STDERR (debug level > 3 is not likely to be of much use
(it generates a lot of output))

Use tv_augmentp online using onworks.net services

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