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columns - Online in the Cloud

Run columns in OnWorks free hosting provider over Ubuntu Online, Fedora Online, Windows online emulator or MAC OS online emulator

This is the command columns that can be run in the OnWorks free hosting provider using one of our multiple free online workstations such as Ubuntu Online, Fedora Online, Windows online emulator or MAC OS online emulator



columns - Columnize Input Text


columns [-flags] [-flag [value]] [--option-name[[=| ]value]]

All arguments must be options.


There is no description for this command.


Specify the output dimensions
-W num, --width=num
Maximum Line Width. This option takes an integer number as its argument. The
value of num is constrained to being:
in the range 16 through 4095
The default num for this option is:

This option specifies the full width of the output line, including any start-of-
line indentation. The output will fill each line as completely as possible, unless
the column width has been explicitly specified. If the maximum width is less than
the length of the widest input, you will get a single column of output.

-c count, --columns=count
Desired number of columns. This option takes an integer number as its argument.
The value of count is constrained to being:
in the range 1 through 2048
The default count for this option is:

Use this option to specify exactly how many columns to produce. If that many
columns will not fit within line_width, then the count will be reduced to the
number that fit.

-w num, --col-width=num
Set width of each column. This option takes an integer number as its argument.
The value of num is constrained to being:
in the range 1 through 2048
The default num for this option is:

Use this option to specify exactly how many characters are to be allocated for each
column. If it is narrower than the widest entry, it will be over-ridden with the
required width.

tab width. This option takes an integer number as its argument. The default num
for this option is:

If an indentation string contains tabs, then this value is used to compute the
ending column of the prefix string.

Specify how to lay out the text
maximum spread added to column width. This option takes an integer number as its
argument. The value of num is constrained to being:
in the range 1 through 1024
The default num for this option is:

Use this option to specify exactly how many characters may be added to each column.
It allows you to prevent columns from becoming too far apart. Without this option,
columns will attempt to widen columns to fill the full width.

--fill Fill lines with input. This option must not appear in combination with any of the
following options: spread, col_width, by_columns.

Instead of columnizing the input text, fill the output lines with the input lines.
Blank lines on input will cause a blank line in the output, unless the output is
sorted. With sorted output, blank lines are ignored.

-I l-pfx, --indent=l-pfx
Line prefix or indentation.

If a number, then this many spaces will be inserted at the start of every line.
Otherwise, it is a line prefix that will be inserted at the start of every line.

First line prefix. This option must appear in combination with the following
options: indent.

If a number, then this many spaces will be inserted at the start of the first line.
Otherwise, it is a line prefix that will be inserted at the start of that line. If
its length exceeds "indent", then it will be emitted on a line by itself, suffixed
by any line separation string. For example:

$ columns --first='#define TABLE' -c 2 -I4 --line=' ´ <<_EOF_
#define TABLE one two three four

-f fmt-str, --format=fmt-str
Formatting string for each input.

If you need to reformat each input text, the argument to this option is interpreted
as an sprintf(3) format that is used to produce each output entry.

-S sep-str, --separation=sep-str
Separation string - follows all but last.

Use this option if, for example, you wish a comma to appear after each entry except
the last.

string at end of all lines but last.

Use this option if, for example, you wish a backslash to appear at the end of every
line, except the last.

string at end of last line.

This option puts the specified string at the end of the output.

Specify the ordering of the entries
Print entries in column order.

Normally, the entries are printed out in order by rows and then columns. This
option will cause the entries to be ordered within columns. The final column,
instead of the final row, may be shorter than the others.

-s key-pat, --sort [key-pat]
Sort input text.

Causes the input text to be sorted. If an argument is supplied, it is presumed to
be a pattern and the sort is based upon the matched text. If the pattern starts
with or consists of an asterisk (*), then the sort is case insensitive.

Redirecting stdin to an alternate file
-i file, --input=file
Input file (if not stdin).

This program normally runs as a filter, reading from standard input, columnizing
and writing to standard out. This option redirects input to a file.

-?, --help
Display usage information and exit.

-!, --more-help
Pass the extended usage information through a pager.

-> [cfgfile], --save-opts [=cfgfile]
Save the option state to cfgfile. The default is the last configuration file
listed in the OPTION PRESETS section, below. The command will exit after updating
the config file.

-< cfgfile, --load-opts=cfgfile, --no-load-opts
Load options from cfgfile. The no-load-opts form will disable the loading of
earlier config/rc/ini files. --no-load-opts is handled early, out of order.

-v [{v|c|n --version [{v|c|n}]}]
Output version of program and exit. The default mode is `v', a simple version.
The `c' mode will print copyright information and `n' will print the full copyright


Any option that is not marked as not presettable may be preset by loading values from
configuration ("RC" or ".INI") file(s) and values from environment variables named:
COLUMNS_<option-name> or COLUMNS
The environmental presets take precedence (are processed later than) the configuration
files. The homerc files are ".", and "$HOME". If any of these are directories, then the
file .columnsrc is searched for within those directories.


See OPTION PRESETS for configuration environment variables.

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