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Run frommac in OnWorks free hosting provider over Ubuntu Online, Fedora Online, Windows online emulator or MAC OS online emulator

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frommac - Receive files from the Macintosh


frommac [ - options ]


frommac receives files from the Macintosh and processes them subject to the options


In the absence of any options, frommac receives a single file and stores it in MacBinary
format, giving the output file ".bin" extensions and placing it in the current working

-3 Write files in fork format (.info, .data and .rsrc files.)

-f As -3, but empty data and rsrc files are not created.

-r Write resource forks only (.rsrc files.)

-d Write data forks only (.data files.)

-u As -d, but the codes for CR and LF are interchanged, the filename extension is

-U As -u, but there is no filename extension.

-a Write files in AppleShare format. This option is only valid if the program is
compiled with support for some form of AppleShare. The current directory must be a
valid AppleShare folder.

-s Write received files to standard output in MacBinary format.

-l List every file received.

-m Receive multiple files. Entering ^X (CNTRL-X) after the last file will terminate
the program.

-x Use the XMODEM protocol for transmission.

-y Use the YMODEM protocol for transmission (not yet supported.)

-z Use the ZMODEM protocol for transmission (not yet supported.)

-o Use the pre-beta version of XMODEM.

-T Allow for time-out detection during the protocol. Normally you will not need this
option because on occasion, when network delays do occur, time-out detection
interferes with a good transmission. Also, when for some reason the connection is
broken the program will normally receive a hang-up signal and terminate. However,
in some situations it might be necessary to early detect time-outs (because of
communication loss or whatever, without loss of connection). You should check
whether use of this option has profits in your situation or not. Normally when
transmission errors did occur entering a number of times ^X (CNTRL-X) will
gracefully terminate the program.

-V Gives the patchlevel of the program, and other information. Other options are
ignored and the program quits immediately.

-H Give short information about the options. Other options are ignored and the
program quits immediately.

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