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mBgExec - Online in the Cloud

Run mBgExec in OnWorks free hosting provider over Ubuntu Online, Fedora Online, Windows online emulator or MAC OS online emulator

This is the command mBgExec that can be run in the OnWorks free hosting provider using one of our multiple free online workstations such as Ubuntu Online, Fedora Online, Windows online emulator or MAC OS online emulator



mBgExec - Run mBackground on all the images in a metadata table


mBgExec [-p projdir] [-s statusfile] [-d] [-n(o-areas)] images.tbl corrections.tbl corrdir


Runs mBackground on all the images in a metadata table, using the corrections generated by


-p projdir
Specifies the path to the directory containing the projected images.

-s statusfile
Writes output message to statusfile instead of to stdout

-d Turns on debugging

-n Indicates that no area images are present (assumes equal weighting for each pixel)


Image metadata table generated by mImgtbl.

Table of corrections generated by mFitExec

Directory where output images should be written


Output FITS images will be created in the directory specified by corrdir, with names that
are the same as the uncorrected images.


OK [struct stat="OK", count=num-images, nocorrection=num-skipped, failed=num-failed]

ERROR MPI initialization failed

ERROR Cannot open status file: statusfile

ERROR Cannot access corrdir

ERROR corrdir is not a directory

ERROR Invalid image metadata file: images.tbl

ERROR Need columns: cntr and fname in image list

ERROR Too many entries in image list for compiled program

ERROR mBackground error


In this example, images.tbl describes the unprojected or projected images (filenames are
the same if mProjExec was used), and corrections.tbl was generated using mBgModel after
running mDiffExec and mFitExec on those images.

$ mBgExec -p proj images.tbl corrections.tbl corr
[struct stat="OK", count=16, failed=0]

corr now contains the images with background removal applied.

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