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qhimdtransfer - Online in the Cloud

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qhimdtransfer - Transfer software for MiniDisc devices




qhimdtransfer is a graphical user interface application for accessing HiMD Walkman. It
uses the libhimd library to read and write audio tracks from a HiMD filesystem which can
be mounted directly from a physical HiMD Walkman or a previously created image file of a
HiMD. By choosing "Connect" in the file menu, the mount point of the HiMD filesystem is
located and the track listing is consequently loaded into the application into the track
list viewer on the left-hand side.

To upload a track (transfer it to the PC), select the tracks to be transferred in the
track list window. Then choose the destination directory in the file browser on the right-
hand side and click the onto the upload button (white arrow on red background). To
download tracks to the device, select the tracks to be downloaded in the file browser and
click onto the download button (white arrow on green background).

Currently libhimd and therefore qhimdtransfer implements full read access for PCM,
ATRAC-3+ and MP3 tracks as well as experimental write support for MP3 tracks (MP3 playback
is supported by second and third generation of HiMD Walkman only). Non-MP3 tracks are
protected by Sony's DRM software stack OpenMG, which require a sophisticated calculation
of keys and access control lists. Writing of non-MP3 tracks is therefore currently not yet

Please note that some of the functions in the graphical user interface like deleting or
renaming tracks or formatting the medium are not yet implemented, but work is currently in
progress to achieve that.

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