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snmpdelta - Online in the Cloud

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snmpdelta - Monitor delta differences in SNMP Counter values


snmpdelta [ COMMON OPTIONS ] [-Cf] [ -Ct ] [ -Cs ] [ -CS ] [ -Cm ] [ -CF configfile ] [
-Cl ] [ -Cp period ] [ -CP Peaks ] [ -Ck ] [ -CT ] AGENT OID [ OID ... ]


snmpdelta will monitor the specified integer valued OIDs, and report changes over time.

AGENT identifies a target SNMP agent, which is instrumented to monitor the given objects.
At its simplest, the AGENT specification will consist of a hostname or an IPv4 address.
In this situation, the command will attempt communication with the agent, using UDP/IPv4
to port 161 of the given target host. See snmpcmd(1) for a full list of the possible
formats for AGENT.

OID is an object identifier which uniquely identifies the object type within a MIB.
Multiple OIDs can be specified on a single snmpdelta command.


Please see snmpcmd(1) for a list of possible values for COMMON OPTIONS as well as
their descriptions.

-Cf Don't fix errors and retry the request. Without this option, if multiple oids
have been specified for a single request and if the request for one or more of the
oids fails, snmpdelta will retry the request so that data for oids apart from the
ones that failed will still be returned. Specifying -Cf tells snmpdelta not to
retry a request, even if there are multiple oids specified.

-Ct Flag will determine time interval from the monitored entity.

-Cs Flag will display a timestamp.

-CS Generates a "sum count" in addition to the individual instance counts. The "sum
count" is the total of all the individual deltas for each time period.

-Cm Prints the max value ever attained.

-CF configfile
Tells snmpdelta to read it's configuration from the specified file. This options
allows the input to be set up in advance rather than having to be specified on the
command line.

-Cl Tells snmpdelta to write it's configuration to files whose names correspond to the
MIB instances monitored. For example, snmpdelta -Cl localhost ifInOctets.1 will
create a file "localhost-ifInOctets.1".

-Cp Specifies the number of seconds between polling periods. Polling constitutes
sending a request to the agent. The default polling period is one second.

-CP peaks
Specifies the reporting period in number of polling periods. If this option is
specified, snmpdelta polls the agent peaks number of times before reporting the
results. The result reported includes the average value over the reporting
period. In addition, the highest polled value within the reporting period is

-Ck When the polling period (-Cp) is an increment of 60 seconds and the timestamp is
displayed in the output (-Cs), then the default display shows the timestamp in the
format hh:mm mm/dd. This option causes the timestamp format to be hh:mm:ss mm/dd.

-CT Makes snmpdelta print its output in tabular form.

-Cv vars/pkt
Specifies the maximum number of oids allowed to be packaged in a single PDU.
Multiple PDUs can be created in a single request. The default value of variables
per packet is 60. This option is useful if a request response results in an error
because the packet is too big.

Note that snmpdelta REQUIRES an argument specifying the agent to query and at least one
OID argument, as described in the snmpcmd(1) manual page.


$ snmpdelta -c public -v 1 -Cs localhost IF-MIB::ifInUcastPkts.3 IF-MIB::ifOutUcastPkts.3
[20:15:43 6/14] ifInUcastPkts.3 /1 sec: 158
[20:15:43 6/14] ifOutUcastPkts.3 /1 sec: 158
[20:15:44 6/14] ifInUcastPkts.3 /1 sec: 184
[20:15:44 6/14] ifOutUcastPkts.3 /1 sec: 184
[20:15:45 6/14] ifInUcastPkts.3 /1 sec: 184
[20:15:45 6/14] ifOutUcastPkts.3 /1 sec: 184
[20:15:46 6/14] ifInUcastPkts.3 /1 sec: 158
[20:15:46 6/14] ifOutUcastPkts.3 /1 sec: 158
[20:15:47 6/14] ifInUcastPkts.3 /1 sec: 184
[20:15:47 6/14] ifOutUcastPkts.3 /1 sec: 184
[20:15:48 6/14] ifInUcastPkts.3 /1 sec: 184
[20:15:48 6/14] ifOutUcastPkts.3 /1 sec: 184
[20:15:49 6/14] ifInUcastPkts.3 /1 sec: 158
[20:15:49 6/14] ifOutUcastPkts.3 /1 sec: 158
$ snmpdelta -c public -v 1 -Cs -CT localhost IF-MIB:ifInUcastPkts.3 IF-MIB:ifOutcastPkts.3
localhost ifInUcastPkts.3 ifOutUcastPkts.3
[20:15:59 6/14] 184.00 184.00
[20:16:00 6/14] 158.00 158.00
[20:16:01 6/14] 184.00 184.00
[20:16:02 6/14] 184.00 184.00
[20:16:03 6/14] 158.00 158.00
[20:16:04 6/14] 184.00 184.00
[20:16:05 6/14] 184.00 184.00
[20:16:06 6/14] 158.00 158.00

The following example uses a number of options. Since the Cl option is specified, the
output is sent to a file and not to the screen.

$ snmpdelta -c public -v 1 -Ct -Cs -CS -Cm -Cl -Cp 60 -CP 60
interlink.sw.net.cmu.edu . .

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