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TeXsis - TeX macros for Physicists


texsis [ filename ]


TeXsis is a collection of TeX macros for typesetting physics documents such as papers and
preprints, conference proceedings, books, theses, referee reports, letters, and memos.
TeXsis macros provide automatic numbering of equations, automatic numbering and formatting
of references, double column formatting, macros for making tables and figures, with or
without captions, including tables with horizontal and vertical rules. TeXsis supports a
wide variety of type sizes and a number of specialized document formats, and it even
includes macros for making form letters for job applications or letters of recommendation.

TeXsis is an extension of "plain" TeX, so anything you know how to do in plain TeX you can
do in TeXsis. TeXsis macro instructions are simply abbreviations for often used
combinations of control sequences used to typeset physics documents. For more information
about plain TeX see the man pages for tex(1), and/or The TeXbook, by D.E. Knuth.

TeXsis is stored as a pre-loaded format so that it loads quickly (see the man pages for
initex(1), and/or "preloaded formats" in The TeXbook ). To run TeXsis simply give the
command texsis in place of the tex command, i.e.

texsis [ filename ]

where filename.tex is the name of a file containing TeX and/or TeXsis \controlsequences.

TeXsis is initally in plain TeX mode, i.e. 10pt type and singlespaced, but the control
sequence \texsis selects 12pt type, doublespacing, and enables other useful features.
Alternatively, \paper turns on these features and sets things up to typeset a paper,
\thesis does the same for typesetting a thesis, \letter is used to produce a letter using
macros similar to those listed in the back of The TeXbook, \memo gives a setup for
producing memoranda, and so on.

A manual which describes all of the TeXsis macro instructions is available. It is written
in TeXsis, so it serves as its own example of how to write a document with TeXsis. The
source code is also heavily commented, so it is possible to extract useful macros from the
source code and modify them to suit your own purposes. Provisions are made for local
customization of TeXsis. In particular, the file TXSmods.tex, if it exists, is read from
the current directory or from the path TEXINPUTS whenever TeXsis is started. You can
therefore put your own custom macros for a given project in a directory and they will
automatically be loaded when TeXsis is run from that directory.


There is an appendix to the printed manual containing detailed installation instructions,
but they are also provided in a form which can be processed by plain TeX, in the file


TeXsis informational messages are written to the terminal and the log file begining with
`% '. Warning and error messages begin with `> '.

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