Freeciv is a free turn-based
multiplayer strategy game, in which each
player becomes the leader of a
civilization, fighting to obtain the
ultimate goal: to bec...
Cuckoo Sandbox uses components to
monitor the behavior of malware in a
Sandbox environment; isolated from the
rest of the system. It offers automated
analysis o...
Play YouTube video on LMS (porting of
Triode's to YouTbe API v3) This is
an application that can also be fetched
Windows Presentation Foundation (WPF)
is a UI framework for building Windows
desktop applications. WPF supports a
broad set of application development
Mit dem Programm kann man schnell und
einfach Pausen bei Sportveranstaltungen
mit Musik �berbr�cken. Hierf�r haben sie
die M�glichkeit, folgende Wiedergabvaria...
Ever wanted to get rid of Outlook ?
DavMail is a
gateway allowing users to use any mail
client with Exchange and Office 365, e...
Integrates Eclipse with the SAP
NetWeaver Application Server..
Features:Support of Eclipse 3.2
(Callisto) and laterSupport of SAP
NetWeaver CE/PI 7.1 and later...
*ScpToolkit has been deprecated and is
no longer maintained.* ScpToolkit is a
free Windows Driver and XInput Wrapper
for Sony DualShock 3/4 Controllers.
A custom UINavigationController that
enables the scrolling of the navigation
bar alongside the scrolling of an
observed content view. If you are
looking for th...
Kodi Movistar+ TV es un ADDON para XBMC/
Kodi que permite disponer de un
decodificador de los servicios IPTV de
Movistar integrado en uno de los
mediacenters ma...
fzputtygen - SFTP private key converter
of FileZilla DESCRIPTION: fzputtygen is
part of FileZilla. It is used to convert
private keys from OpenSSH or f...