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xombrero — lightweight web browser


xombrero [-nSTtV] [-f file] [-s session_name] [url ...]


xombrero is a minimalistic web browser that tries to stay out of the way so that valuable
screen real estate can be used for much more important stuff. It has sane defaults and does
not require one to learn a language to do any configuration. It was written by hackers for
hackers and it strives to be small, compact, and fast.

xombrero is very simple in its use. Most actions are initiated via key or mouse bindings.
Key bindings are based on those of the vi(1) text editor, giving web browsing a similar feel
to navigating a text document. The KEY BINDINGS section below documents the various
defaults and possible customizations.

The options are as follows:

-f file
Specify an alternative configuration file.

-n Open a new tab in a running xombrero for each specified URL. This option requires
enable_socket to be enabled.

-e command
Execute arbitrary command (see the COMMAND MODE section below) in a running xombrero
instance. This option requires enable_socket to be enabled. Example run: xombrero -e
"tabnew openbsd.org"; xombrero -e tabclose; xombrero -e wq.

-S Disable the toolbar.

-s session_name
Open session that was saved with ":session save" command.

-T Disable visualization of tabs.

-t Disable tabs. Pages that would open in tabs open in new windows instead.

-V Display version and exit.


The following notation is used throughout this page:

C- Control
S- Shift
M1- Meta 1 (sometimes marked Alt)
M2- Meta 2
M3- Meta 3
M4- Meta 4 (sometimes marked Windows)
M5- Meta 2
MB1 Mouse button 1

To browse to a specific address, either use the mouse to click on the address bar or press
F6 to shift the keyboard focus to the address bar. The address is then entered manually.

The mouse can be used to navigate the page in the traditional manner, or the keyboard can be
used instead. For example, PageUp and PageDown will scroll up and down the page.

To follow a link, either click on it or use the f key and have xombrero assign numbers to
each link on the page; entering that number on the keyboard will prompt xombrero to follow
the link.


xombrero provides many actions accessed via key or mouse bindings. Most can be reprogrammed
using a keybinding entry in the configuration file. Each keyboard shortcut requires exactly
one entry in the configuration file. A shortcut can have multiple entries in the
configuration file. The format of the keybinding entry is as follows:

keybinding = (:)action,(!)keystroke(s)

For example, "keybinding = tabnew,C-t" where tabnew is the action and C-t are the

Actions may be any xombrero command that can be run from the command prompt. There is one
additional action, unbind, which will unbind any previous actions to that keybinding.

If the action begins with a colon, the action will be entered into the command prompt
instead of being executed. For example, "keybinding = :session open ,M1-s" will open the
command prompt with ":open session " entered when using the M1-s keybinding.

Keybindings which open the command prompt may also include the string <uri>, which will be
replaced by the current tab's URI. For example, "keybinding = :open <uri>,F10" will open
the command prompt with <uri> replaced with the current URI.

GTK has some default keybindings for manipulating text inside input fields, such as the URI
or search entry widget, for example C-w deletes a word. To override these defaults prefix
your key with an exclamation mark (!), like this: "keybinding = tabclose,!C-w". The
clearall key word is special and is meant to reset the key binding list to the GTK+ and
WebKit defaults. This keyword should be the first keybinding entry in the configuration

Shift should be used sparingly since it gets in the way of non-USA keyboards. See the
accompanying configuration file for examples.

The various bindings are documented below. The relevant keybinding action is given
afterwards, in parentheses.

Command mode
These commands are used to focus or unfocus input on the default input of a web page.

ESC Go to command mode; unfocus current entry on web page. (command_mode)
i Go to insert mode; focus on default entry on web page. (insert_mode)

Search Commands
These commands are used to search for text strings within a web page.

/ Start a search (search)
? Start a backwards search (searchb)
n Next item matching search (searchnext)
N Previous item matching search (searchprev)

Focus Commands
These commands are used to shift the focus of xombrero from one area to another.

F6 Focus on address bar (focusaddress)
F7 Focus on search entry (focussearch)

Command Aliases
These commands allow the user to map specific actions to specific keys.

F1 Alias for "help"
F2 Alias for "proxy toggle"
F4 Alias for "toplevel toggle"

Prompt Aliases
These commands allow the user to open a prompt. These can be useful when the -S option is

F9 Alias for ":open "
F10 Alias for ":open <uri>"
F11 Alias for ":tabnew "
F12 Alias for ":tabnew <uri>"

Navigation Commands
These commands allow the user to navigate web pages and, to some extent, control the

F5, C-r, C-l Reload page (reload)
BackSpace, M-Left Previous page (goback)
S-BackSpace, M-Right Forward page (goforward)
j, Down Next line on page (scrolldown)
k, Up Previous line on page (scrollup)
G, End Bottom of page (scrollbottom)
gg, Home Top of page (scrolltop)
Space, C-f, PageDown Page down (scrollpagedown)
C-b, PageUp Page up (scrollpageup)
l, Right Page right (scrollright)
h, Left Page left (scrollleft)
$ Page far right (scrollfarright)
0 Page far left (scrollfarleft)
M-f Favorites (fav)
M-j Cookie jar (cookiejar)
M-d Download manager (dl)
C-p Print page (print)
M-h Global history (history)
C-j Toggle JavaScript enabled for FQDN (js)
C-s Toggle source view (togglesrc)
M-c Toggle cookie enabled for FQDN (cookie)
M-p Toggle plugins enabled for FQDN (plugin)

Tab Manipulation
xombrero supports tabbed browsing. That is, web pages may be opened in separate tabs,
allowing the user to quickly move from one page to another, and back. These commands then
are used to create, destroy, and move between tabs.

C-MB1 Open new tab with the clicked link
C-t Create new tab with focus in URL entry (tabnew)
C-T Create new tab with focus in URL entry as the last tab in the
browser (999tabnew)
C-w Destroy current tab (tabclose)
U Undo close tab (tabundoclose)
C-Left, C-PageUp Go to the previous tab (tabprevious)
C-Right, C-PageDown
Go to the next tab (tabnext)
C-[1..9] Jump to page N (tabnext [1..9])
C-< Jump to first page (tabfirst)
C-> Jump to last page (tablast)
C-minus Zoom out by 4% (focusout)
C-plus, C-equal Zoom in by 4% (focusin)
C-0 Set zoom level to 100% (focusreset)

Yanking and pasting
These commands copy and paste text to and from the clipboard.

p Paste the contents of the clipboard into the address bar (pasteuricur)
P Paste the contents of the clipboard into a new tab (pasteurinew)
y Yank the current URL into the clipboard (yankuri)

Hyperlink Following
This allows the user to follow hyperlinks without using a mouse. Enter the corresponding
number to follow the link. Alternatively one can type the name of the link and when there
are no more possibilities xombrero will follow the link.

f, '.' Highlight all links and prefix them with a number. (hinting)
F, ',' Highlight all links and prefix them with a number but open in a new tab.

Commands to exit the browser.

C-q Quit (quitall)

Low-Contrast Color Scheme
These commands toggle the page style between the default CSS and a low-contrast color scheme
with light grey text on a dark grey background. If the userstyle setting is changed, that
stylesheet will be used instead of the low-contrast color scheme.

s Toggle the current tab's style. (userstyle)
S Toggle the global page style mode. Will also affect new tabs.

Insert-mode commands
The following commands are only available when editing an input-field

C-i Edit the contents of the currently active input-element in an external editor.


Command mode works in a similar fashion to the vi(1) editor; it is entered by typing a colon
and exited by pressing Esc. The commands and their descriptions are listed below.

about, version
Display the About page.

buffers, ls, tabs
Display the currently opened tabs and let the user switch tabs by typing the
tab number or by using the mouse.

ca Display CA certificates.

cert, cert show
Download and display certificates of the domain on current tab.

cert save
Save certificate into a local store. The next time the site is visited it is
compared against the store. If the certificate matches, the address bar will
be blue; if it doesn't the bar will be red.

cookie The cookie command is used to manipulate the cookie whitelist. Used by itself
it expands to cookie show all.

Show cookie jar contents.

cookie purge
Remove all cookies from the cookie jar.

cookie save, cookie save fqdn
Save the current fully qualified domain name (FQDN) to the persistent
whitelist. For example, the www.peereboom.us domain would result in saving

cookie save domain
Save the top level domain name to the persistent whitelist. For example, the
www.peereboom.us domain would result in saving .peereboom.us.

This action enables cookies if it is currently disabled for this entry.

cookie show all
Show all persistent and session entries in the cookie whitelist.

cookie show persistent
Show all persistent entries in the cookie whitelist.

cookie show session
Show all session entries in the cookie whitelist.

cookie toggle domain
Toggle cookie support for the current top level domain.

cookie toggle, cookie toggle fqdn
Toggle cookie support for the current FQDN.

dl Show download manager.

encoding [encoding]
Set the current tab's encoding to encoding and reload the tab. If encoding is
not provided, the current tab's encoding is displayed.

Open the source for the current tab in the editor specified by the setting
external_editor and then check for changes to the file opened. If it is
changed, the page will be updated.

If a text-element is currently active (<input> or <textarea>), it's contents
will be opened in the same fashion as for the command editsrc above

fav Show favorites.

favadd [title]
Add the current page to favorites. The title can be overridden by specifying

Show favorites list and links to remove entries.

fullscreen, f
Toggle hiding tabs and url entry toolbar.

h, hist, history
Show global history.

help Show help page.

home Go to home URL.

https The https command is used to manipulate the items in the HTTPS force list.
Used by itself it expands to https show all.

https save, save fqdn
Save the FQDN to the persistent force HTTPS list. For example, the
www.peereboom.us domain would result in saving www.peereboom.us.

https save domain
Save the top level domain name to the persistent whitelist. For example, the
www.peereboom.us domain would result in saving .peereboom.us.

https show all
Show all persistent and session entries in the HTTPS force list.

https show persistent
Show all persistent entries in the HTTPS force list.

https show session
Shows all session entries in the HTTPS force list.

https toggle, https toggle fqdn
Toggle this FQDN in the HTTPS force list.

https toggle domain
Toggle the top level domain in the HTTPS force list.

js The js command is used to manipulate the JavaScript whitelist. Used by itself
it expands to js show all.

js save, save fqdn
Save the FQDN to the persistent whitelist. For example, the www.peereboom.us
domain would result in saving www.peereboom.us.

js save domain
Save the top level domain name to the persistent whitelist. For example, the
www.peereboom.us domain would result in saving .peereboom.us.

This action enables JavaScript if it is currently disabled for this entry.

js show all
Show all persistent and session entries in the JavaScript whitelist.

js show persistent
Show all persistent entries in the JavaScript whitelist.

js show session
Show all session entries in the JavaScript whitelist.

js toggle, js toggle fqdn
Toggle JavaScript execution for the current FQDN.

js toggle domain
Toggle JavaScript execution for the current top level domain.

If the setting auto_load_images is disabled, load all images for current site.

open, op, o URL
Open URL.

plugin The plugin command is used to manipulate the plugin whitelist. Used by itself
it expands to plugin show all.

plugin save, save fqdn
Save the FQDN to the persistent whitelist. For example, the www.peereboom.us
domain would result in saving www.peereboom.us.

plugin save domain
Save the top level domain name to the persistent whitelist. For example, the
www.peereboom.us domain would result in saving .peereboom.us.

This action enables plugins if they are currently disabled for this entry.

plugin show all
Show all persistent and session entries in the plugin whitelist.

plugin show persistent
Show all persistent entries in the plugin whitelist.

plugin show session
Show all session entries in the plugin whitelist.

plugin toggle, plugin toggle fqdn
Toggle plugin execution for the current FQDN.

plugin toggle domain
Toggle plugin execution for the current top level domain.

print Print page.

proxy The proxy command is used to manipulate the currently set proxy. Used by
itself it expands to proxy show.

proxy show
Display the current http_proxy setting.

proxy toggle
Enable or disable the proxy for xombrero. Note that http_proxy must be set
before it can be toggled.

qa, qall, quitall
Quit xombrero.

quit, q
Close current tab and quit xombrero if it is the last tab.

Restart xombrero and reload all current tabs.

run_script [path_to_script]
Run the script path_to_script with the current uri as the argument. If
path_to_script is not provided, the script specified by the default_script
setting is used instead.

script filename
Run an external JavaScript script file in the current tab context.

session, session show
Display the current session name. By default the session name is
“main_session”. To create a new session use the session save command. A
session is defined as the lifetime of the browser application.

session delete session_name
Delete session session_name from persistent storage. If session_name is the
current session then the session will revert to “main_session”.

session open session_name
Close all tabs and open session session_name. Going forward this session is
named session_name.

session save session_name
Save current tabs to session session_name. This will close the current
session and going forward this session is named session_name.

set The set command is used to inspect, clear or change runtime options. There
are 3 methods to use set. When used by itself as “:set” the command displays
all options as currently set.

To set a value use “:setoption⟩=⟨value⟩”. For example, “:set

To clear a value use “:setoption⟩=”. For example, “:set http_proxy=”.

Note, not all options can be set at runtime.

stats Show blocked cookie statistics. These statistics vary based on settings and
are not persistent.

statustoggle, statust
Toggle status bar.

stop Stop loading the current web page.

Close current tab.

Hide tabs.

tabnew, tabedit [URL]
Create a new tab and optionally open provided URL.

Go to the next tab.

Close all tabs except the currently focused one.

Go to the previous tab.

Show tabs in GUI.

toplevel, toplevel toggle
Toggle the top level domain name cookie and JS session whitelist. This is to
enable/disable short lived full site functionality without permanently adding
the top level domain to the persistent whitelist.

urlhide, urlh
Hide url entry and toolbar.

urlshow, urls
Show url entry and toolbar.

userstyle [stylesheet]
Toggle the current tab between using the custom stylesheet stylesheet and the
page's default CSS. If stylesheet is not provided, the stylesheet specified
by the userstyle setting will be used. This userstyle setting is set by
default to a low-contrast color scheme.

Additional stylesheets may be used in addition to that set by userstyle by
specifying additional keybindings. For example,

keybinding = userstyle ~/style.css,v
keybinding = userstyle_global ~/style.css,V

will map toggling between ~/style.css to the v and V keys while keeping the
stylesheet specified by userstyle mapped to the s and S keys.

userstyle_global [stylesheet]
Same as the userstyle command but affects all open tabs and newly created tabs
will use this style.

w Save open tabs to current session. The tabs will be restored next time the
session is opened. See the session command for additional details.

wq Save open tabs and quit. The tabs will be restored next time the session is
opened. See the session command for more details.


In addition to shortcuts and commands xombrero provides buffer commands. Buffer commands are
short, multi character vi-like commands, often requiring an argument. Partial buffer
commands are displayed in the buffer command statusbar element (see statusbar_elems).
Pressing Esc or switching to another tab cancels a partially entered buffer command. In the
following list arg denotes the argument a buffer command accepts. Buffer commands are
defined as extended regular expressions. Note that if a character is used as a shortcut it
will not be interpreted as the beginning of a buffer command. This is the case with 0.

gg go to the top of the page
gG go to the bottom of the page
[0-9]+% go to the arg percent of the page
zz go to 50% of the page
[0-9]*gu go arg levels up. If arg is missing, 1 is assumed. Going a level up
means going to a URI obtained from the current one by removing the
last slash ('/') character and everything that follows it
gU go to the root level, i.e. going up as many levels as possible.
gh open the home page in the current tab
m[a-zA-Z0-9] set a mark denoted by arg at the current page position. These marks
behave like those in vi or less.
['][a-zA-Z0-9'] go to the position where mark arg was set. The special mark "'"
points to the previous page position, after a "gg", "gG", "zz", "%"
or "'" buffer command.
M[a-zA-Z0-9] set the current uri as quickmark arg
go[a-zA-Z0-9] open the uri marked as quickmark arg in the current tab
gn[a-zA-Z0-9] open the uri marked as quickmark arg in a new tab
[0-9]+t activate tab number
g0 go to first tab
g$ go to last tab
[0-9]*gt go to the arg next tab
[0-9]*gT go to the arg previous tab arg
ZZ quit xombrero
ZR restart xombrero
zi zoom in by 4%
zo zoom out by 4%
z0 set zoom level to 100%
[0-9]+Z set zoom level to arg %


Quickmarks are like bookmarks, except they are referred to by a single character (a letter
or a digit), instead of a longer name. See the M[a-zA-Z0-9], go[a-zA-Z0-9] and gn[a-zA-Z0-9]
buffer commands for usage. Quickmarks are stored in ~/.xombrero/quickmarks and are saved
automatically after each M[a-zA-Z0-9] buffer command.


The about screens are internally generated web pages by xombrero for user interaction.
These are entered in the address bar and the format is about:screen where screen is the
desired screen to display. For example about:favorites. Any about screen can be used as
the home page as specified by home in the configuration file.

about show the about screen
blank show a blank screen
cookiewl show the cookie whitelist screen
cookiejar show the cookiejar screen
downloads show the downloads screen
favorites show the favorites screen
help show the help web page
history show the history screen
jswl show the JavaScript whitelist screen
plwl show the plugin whitelist screen
set show the settings screen
stats show the statistics screen


This section describes advanced usage settings. Most users should use browser_mode instead
to setup xombrero and skip over this section.

xombrero has a number of whitelists to control blocking cookies and JavaScript execution for
FQDNs or domains. When properly enabled these whitelists require either the FQDN or top
level domain to exist in the whitelists in order to allow cookies to be stored or JavaScript
to execute. Both JavaScript and cookies have two whitelists associated with them. The
whitelists are called session and persistent. Items in the session whitelists are only
allowed for the lifetime of the xombrero instance. Items in the persistent whitelists are
stored on disk and are restored upon restarting.

Setting up the whitelists is a little tricky due to intricacies of WebKit. In fact the
semantics are different for cookies and JavaScript.

Cookie whitelist requires the following configuration to be set:

cookies_enabled This is a WebKit setting and must be set to 1 (ENABLED) in
order to be able to use a cookie whitelist.
enable_cookie_whitelist This needs to be set to 1 to enable the cookie whitelist
cookie_wl These entries in the configuration file are the actual
domains names in the cookie whitelist.

JavaScript whitelist requires the following configuration to be set:

enable_scripts This is a WebKit setting and must be set to 0 (DISABLED) in
order to be able to use a JavaScript whitelist.
enable_js_whitelist This needs to be set to 1 to enable the JavaScript whitelist
js_wl These entries in the configuration file are the actual domains
names in the JavaScript whitelist.

Plugin whitelist requires the following configuration to be set:

enable_plugins This is a WebKit setting and must be set to 1 (ENABLED) in
order to be able to use a plugin whitelist.
enable_plugin_whitelist This needs to be set to 1 to enable the plugin whitelist
pl_wl These entries in the configuration file are the actual
domains names in the plugin whitelist.

See the FILES section for additional configuration file entries and details that alter
runtime behavior.

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