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atfsit - A program to prepare files for version control


atfsit [ -cFhfsmM ] [ -qad ] [ -Iflags ] [ -Rflags ] [ -tdirectory ] file1 ...


Atfsit is a semi-intelligent program to prepare files for ShapeTools version control.
This involves putting the correct type of headings at the top of the file so that retrv
will update a header and log changes in the file.

By default, atfsit will use default headers ``hard-wired'' into itself for each different
file type that it ``knows'' about. (See below for list of known file types).

If the -tdirectory option is specified, then atfsit will use ``.template.suffix'' files
(where ``suffix'' is a suffix that atfsit ``knows'' about) found in directory. If a
directory name is not specified on the command line, then the environment variable
TEMPLATES is used. If $TEMPLATES is not set, then the environment variable, HOME is

The following template files are recognized:

Template NameFile Type
.template.c Standard C
.template.h C Include
.template.f Fortran
.template.shShell Script

Atfsit is ``semi-intelligent'' in that it can guess the type of headers to put in the file
by the type of file (C program, C include, makefile, shell script, or manual). It
determines the file type by looking at the name of the file. If the name of the file is
``Makefile'' or ``makefile'', then the file type is taken to be for make(1). The suffix
after the last ``.'' in the file name is then used. The following table shows the
suffixes that atfsit knows about:

Suffix File Type
c C Program
F C Program (with compile flags)
h C Include
f Fortran
mk Make(1) file
sh Shell Script
csh Shell Script
[1-9] Manual (digits 1 - 9)

If the environment variable ``ATFSDIR'' is present, then atfsit will attempt to make a
link from it to ``AtFS'' in the current directory if the -I option is used and there is no
directory called ``AtFS'' already, in the current directory. If the -I option is used and
``ATFSDIR'' is not specified in the environment, then a normal directory called ``AtFS''
will be created. This feature can be overrided with the -d option.


c Force file type to be ``Standard C''.

F Force file type to be ``Standard C''. Add a special header-line for recording of
compile-time options in addition to the default header. The inserted line has
the form static char *ConfFlg = CFFLGS. CFFLGS must be a string value. As it is
very inconvenient, to define the proper value of CFFLGS from the command-line,
this feature is more intended to be used from within Makefiles.

h Force file type to be ``C Include''.

f Force file type to be ``Fortran''.

M Force file type to be ``Manual''. Note: If you also specify the ``Iflags''
option, atfsit will run vadm(1) to tell ShapeTools what kind of comment string
to use for the manual file.

s Force file type to be ``Shell Script''.

m Force file type to be ``Makefile''. Note that this does the same thing as the
-s option does. It just prints a different message.

t Do not use any Template files for the headers.

q Be quiet. Don't print out what is going on. Only error messages are printed.

d Do not attempt to make the directory ``AtFS''. See above for more info.

a Turn off auto guessing of file type.

Iflags Check In file. Run save(1) on the file with ``flags'' being passed onto save(1)
as the command line arguments.

Rflags Run vadm(1) with ``flags'' as the command line arguments.

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