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oarcp - Online in the Cloud

Run oarcp in OnWorks free hosting provider over Ubuntu Online, Fedora Online, Windows online emulator or MAC OS online emulator

This is the command oarcp that can be run in the OnWorks free hosting provider using one of our multiple free online workstations such as Ubuntu Online, Fedora Online, Windows online emulator or MAC OS online emulator



oarsh - remote shell connector for OAR batch scheduler.

oarcp - oarsh compagnon to copy files from a node or to a node.





Connect a node from the submission frontal of the cluster or any node.


oarsh uses OpenSSH client (the ssh command) underneath to perform the connection. Thus any
OpenSSH option can be used.


From the frontal of the cluster or any node, specify the Id of the job oarsh must
connect to.

Specify a job key oarsh must use, e.g. the one that was used for the submission of the
job you want to connect to. This is mandatory when connecting to a node of a job from
a host that does not belong to the nodes managed by the OAR server the job was
submitted to. The -i option may be used as well.


In order to provide the user with the ability to use oarsh to connect both the nodes of
his job or other hosts that live out of the scope of his job, oarsh tries to read two
configuration files: first ~/.oarsh-host-include then ~/.oarsh-hosts-exclude.

If exist, those files must contain one regular expression matching a hostname per line.

At execution time, if oarsh finds in ~/.oarsh-host-include a match for the hostname used
in the command line, it continues with the execution of oarsh, skipping
~/.oarsh-hosts-exclude file. If not, it tries to find a match in ~/.oarsh-hosts-exclude
and if one is found, then executes ssh with the same command line. Finally, it no match is
found (or for instance, if none of those files exists), it continues with the execution of

For instance, if all nodes look like name-XXX.domain, one may place ^[^\.]+-[[:digit:]]+
in ~/.oarsh-host-include and .* in ~/.oarsh-hosts-exclude and then can use oarsh to
connect any host.

The feature finally becomes really sexy when one considers placing a symlink to oarsh
named ssh, and then can always use the ssh command to connect any host.


Connecting from within our job, from one node to another one (node23):
> oarsh node-23

Connecting to a node (node23) of our job (Id: 4242) from the frontal of the cluster:
> OAR_JOB_ID=4242 oarsh node-23

Connecting to a node (node23) of our job that was submitted using a job key:
> OAR_JOB_KEY_FILE=~/my_key oarsh node-23

Same thing but using OpenSSH-like -i option:
> oarsh -i ~/my_key node-23


All OpenSSH features should be inherited by oarsh, for instance X11 forwarding. However,
one feature that oarsh does break is the SSH Agent.

None of OpenSSH user configuration files (within ~/.ssh directory) are used by oarsh.

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