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ripMIME - email attachment / decomposition tool.


ripMIME -i <mime file> -d <directory>
[-p prefix] [-e [headerfile]]
[-v] [-q] [--verbose-contenttype] [--verbose-oldstyle] [--verbose-defects] [--stdout]
[--stderr] [--syslog]
[--name-by-type] [--no-nameless] [--overwrite] [--no_nameless]
[--unique_names[--prefix|--postfix|--infix]] [--mailbox]
[--no-quotedprintable] [--no-uudecode] [--no-ole] [--no-doublecr] [--no-mht]
[--disable-qmail-bounce] [--recursion-max <level>]
[--exteded-errors] [--debug] [--version|-V] [--buildcodes] [-h]


ripMIME is a command line tool used to aid in the extraction of email borne attachments to
files which can be processed using other UNIX tools. ripMIME supports both the RFC MIME
standards as well as being able to behave according to various MUA 'features' which are
often used as exploitation holes.


-i Input MIME encoded file (use '-' to input from STDIN)

-d Output directory

-p Specify prefix filename to be used on files without a filename (default 'text')

-e [headers file name]
Dump headers from mailpack (default '_headers_')

-v Turn on verbosity

-q Run quietly, do not report non-fatal errors

Turn on verbosity of file content type

Uses the v1.2.x style or filename reporting

Report MIME header/body defects located in the mailpack

All reporting goes to stdout (Default)

All reporting goes to stderr

All reporting goes to syslog

[ Deprecated ] Turns off strict ascii-alnum filenaming

Converts all filenames to strict 7-bit compliance

Saves a given attachment by its content-type if it has no other name

Do not save nameless attachments

Overwrite files if they have the same name on extraction

Dont overwrite existing files (This is the default behaviour)

rename by putting unique code at the front of the filename

rename by putting unique code at the end of the filename

rename by putting unique code in the middle of the filename

--recursion-max <maximum level>
Set the maximum recursion level into a mailpack. Often emails are forwarded copies
of an existing email, each time this is done a new recursion level is required.
Malicious emails can be constructed with many hundereds of recursion levels to
induce stack faults in decoding programs. ripMIME is hard coded with a default of
20 levels, this may be overidden using this parameter.

Process mailbox file

Returns error codes for non-fatal decoding situations

Produces detailed information about the whole decoding process

Attachment type decoding switches
Turn off OLE decoding

Turns off the facility of detecting UUencoded attachments in emails

Turns off the facility of decoding QuotedPrintable data

Turns off saving of double-CR embedded data

Turns off MHT (a Microsoft mailpack attachment format ) decoding

Turns off ripMIME's look-ahead searching for RFC822 headers within a body of text.
Normally the look-ahead is useful for decoding embedded emails which have been
bounced back by systems like qmail, but have been included in such a way that they
are not meant to be decoded, unfortunately some MUA (Outlook for one) still decode
it, hence we need to by default check for attachments in such forwarded bodies.

Turns off the behaviour of handling multiple filename occurances in a single MIME
header. Normally ripMIME will generate a hard link for each additional filename
beyond the original attachment filename detected.

Note that this Debian version does not include the --no-tnef switch. The tnef package may
be useful as an alternative.

Auxillary parameters
Displays the information obtained by the Makefile script when ripMIME was built.
This includes the Unix timestamp, human readable version of the timestamp and the
output from 'uname -a'.

-V --version
Give version information

-h Terse information on how to use ripMIME.

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