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xml_ppp - Online in the Cloud

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xml_pp - xml pretty-printer


xml_pp [options] [<files>]


XML pretty printer using XML::Twig


edits the file(s) in place, if an extension is provided (no space between "-i" and the
extension) then the original file is backed-up with that extension

The rules for the extension are the same as Perl's (see perldoc perlrun): if the
extension includes no "*" then it is appended to the original file name, If the
extension does contain one or more "*" characters, then each "*" is replaced with the
current filename.

-s <style>
the style to use for pretty printing: none, nsgmls, nice, indented, record, or
record_c (see XML::Twig docs for the exact description of those styles), 'indented' by

-p <tag(s)>
preserves white spaces in tags. You can use several "-p" options or quote the tags if
you need more than one

-e <encoding>
use XML::Twig output_encoding (based on Text::Iconv or Unicode::Map8 and
Unicode::String) to set the output encoding. By default the original encoding is

If this option is used the XML declaration is updated (and created if there was none).

Make sure that the encoding is supported by the parser you use if you want to be able
to process the pretty_printed file (XML::Parser does not support 'latin1' for example,
you have to use 'iso-8859-1')

-l loads the documents in memory instead of outputing them as they are being parsed.

This prevents a bug (see BUGS) but uses more memory

-f <file>
read the list of files to process from <file>, one per line

-v verbose (list the current file being processed)

-- stop argument processing (to process files that start with -)

-h display help


xml_pp foo.xml > foo_pp.xml # pretty print foo.xml
xml_pp < foo.xml > foo_pp.xml # pretty print from standard input

xml_pp -v -i.bak *.xml # pretty print .xml files, with backups
xml_pp -v -i'orig_*' *.xml # backups are named orig_<filename>

xml_pp -i -p pre foo.xhtml # preserve spaces in pre tags

xml_pp -i.bak -p 'pre code' foo.xml # preserve spaces in pre and code tags
xml_pp -i.bak -p pre -p code foo.xml # same

xml_pp -i -s record mydb_export.xml # pretty print using the record style

xml_pp -e utf8 -i foo.xml # output will be in utf8
xml_pp -e iso-8859-1 -i foo.xml # output will be in iso-8859-1

xml_pp -v -i.bak -f lof # pretty print in place files from lof

xml_pp -- -i.xml # pretty print the -i.xml file

xml_pp -l foo.xml # loads the entire file in memory
# before pretty printing it

xml_pp -h # display help

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