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g2p-sk - phonetic transcription for Slovak


g2p-sk [--color] [--dl debug level] [--help] [--stats] [--ofile <file_name>] [<input


The phonetic transcription is essential for some linguistic or speech recognition
applications. Depending on the language either rule based or statistical approach is being
used. g2p-sk implements the rule based approach but in the future it may be replaced by
statistical one.

Each input word consisting of the sequence of graphemes is transcribed in to the sequence
of phones in the SAMPA coding. If no input file is specified, the standard input is
expected. If input file is used then the output is written in to the file as well. The
filename is input filename with the extension "_trans.txt".

The input output code page is ISO 8859-2. To use it with different CP use some CP
converter and pipes. For example to have input and output in UTF-8 use (for interactive
use): filterm UTF8-iso2 iso2-UTF8 g2p-sk or (for batch processing) iconv -f UTF-8 -t
ISO_8859-2 | g2p-sk | iconv -f ISO_8859-2 -t UTF-8

Performance of the phonetic transcription depend on the morphematic segmentation. To
improve the quality of the morphematic segmentation is possible to replace the small
version of the simple morphematic dictionary in the
/usr/share/g2p_sk/Exceptions/morfemy.ddat with the better one. The syllabic segmentation
is as important as morphematic one. The syllabic segmentation is provided by sylseg-sk

The design of the g2p-sk is language dependent. To use it for another language the all
rules need to be rewritten.


Enable color output.

--dl 1..5
Set the debug level. Control the amount of displayed information The debug level 0
displays nothing. The maximum level 5 displays full debugging report. The default
debug level is 1.

--help Display a short help text

--ofile <file_name>
Write output also in to given file.

Count and display statistic for each phone


Use standard input and debug level 3:
g2p-sk --dl 3

Process all the from file aaa.txt:
g2p-sk aaa.txt


g2p-sk returns a zero if it succeeds to process all the input words

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