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gdal_fillnodata - Online in the Cloud

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gdal_fillnodata - gdal_fillnodata.py fill raster regions by interpolation from edges


gdal_fillnodata.py [-q] [-md max_distance] [-si smooth_iterations]
[-o name=value] [-b band]
srcfile [-nomask] [-mask filename] [-of format] [dstfile]


The gdal_fillnodata.py script fills selection regions (usually nodata areas) by
interpolating from valid pixels around the edges of the area.

Additional details on the algorithm are available in the GDALFillNodata() docs.

The script runs in quiet mode. The progress monitor is suppressed and routine messages
are not displayed.

-md max_distance:
The maximum distance (in pixels) that the algorithm will search out for values to

-si smooth_iterations:
The number of 3x3 average filter smoothing iterations to run after the interpolation
to dampen artifacts. The default is zero smoothing iterations.

-o name=value:
Specify a special argument to the algorithm. Currently none are supported.

-b band:
The band to operate on, by default the first band is operated on.

The source raster file used to identify target pixels. Only one band is used.

Do not use the default validity mask for the input band (such as nodata, or alpha

-mask filename:
Use the first band of the specified file as a validity mask (zero is invalid, non-zero
is valid).

The new file to create with the interpolated result. If not provided, the source band
is updated in place.

-of format:
Select the output format. The default is GeoTIFF (GTiff). Use the short format name.


Frank Warmerdam [email protected]

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