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lpsconfcheck - mark confluent tau-summands of an LPS


lpsconfcheck [OPTION]... [INFILE [OUTFILE]]


Checks which tau-summands of the mCRL2 LPS in INFILE are confluent, marks them by renaming
them to ctau, and write the result to OUTFILE. If INFILE is not present stdin is used. If
OUTFILE is not present, stdout is used.


OPTION can be any of the following:

-a, --check-all
check the confluence of tau-summands regarding all other summands, instead of
continuing with the next tau-summand as soon as a summand is encountered that is
not confluent with the current tau-summand

-c, --counter-example
display a valuation for which the confluence condition does not hold, in case the
encountered condition is neither a contradiction nor a tautolgy

-g, --generate-invariants
try to prove that the reduced confluence condition is an invariant of the LPS, in
case the confluence condition is not a tautology

-o, --induction
apply induction on lists

-iINVFILE, --invariant=INVFILE
use the boolean formula (an mCRL2 data expression of sort Bool) in INVFILE as

-n, --no-check
do not check if the invariant holds before checking for for confluence

-m, --no-marking
do not mark the confluent tau-summands; since there are no changes made to the LPS,
nothing is written to OUTFILE

-pPREFIX, --print-dot=PREFIX
save a .dot file of the resulting BDD in case two summands cannot be proven
confluent; PREFIX will be used as prefix of the output files

-QNUM, --qlimit=NUM
limit enumeration of quantifiers to NUM variables. (Default NUM=1000, NUM=0 for

-rNAME, --rewriter=NAME
use rewrite strategy NAME: 'jitty' jitty rewriting (default) 'jittyc' compiled
jitty rewriting 'jittyp' jitty rewriting with prover

-zSOLVER, --smt-solver=SOLVER
use SOLVER to remove inconsistent paths from the internally used BDDs (by default,
no path elimination is applied): 'cvc' the SMT solver CVC3

-sNUM, --summand=NUM
eliminate or simplify the summand with number NUM only

-tLIMIT, --time-limit=LIMIT
spend at most LIMIT seconds on proving a single formula

append timing measurements to FILE. Measurements are written to standard error if
no FILE is provided

Standard options:

-q, --quiet
do not display warning messages

-v, --verbose
display short intermediate messages

-d, --debug
display detailed intermediate messages

display intermediate messages up to and including level

-h, --help
display help information

display version information

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