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pkkalman - Online in the Cloud

Run pkkalman in OnWorks free hosting provider over Ubuntu Online, Fedora Online, Windows online emulator or MAC OS online emulator

This is the command pkkalman that can be run in the OnWorks free hosting provider using one of our multiple free online workstations such as Ubuntu Online, Fedora Online, Windows online emulator or MAC OS online emulator



pkkalman - kalman raster images: median, min/max, morphological, kalmaning


pkkalman [options]


pkkalman will complement a time series of observations (option -obs) at fine spatial
resolution. A data assimilation technique based on a Kalman filter is hereby used. The
data at fine spatial resolution are assimilated with coarse spatial resolution time series
at a finer temporal resolution, referred to as a model (option -mod). The time series for
both observation and model can either be provided as multi-band raster datasets or as
multiple single band datasets. Missing data in the observations are predicted by the
algorithm. The model must cover at least the spatial coverage of the observation. The
missing data must be provided either as nodata values in the input (using option
-obsnodata) or as an external mask (using option -obsmask). The time sequence for the
model and observation should be provided via the options -tmod and -tobs. Tuning
parameters for the algorithm are process noise (option -q) and the weights for uncertainty
of valid observations (-uo) and the model (-um).


-dir forward|backward|smooth, --direction forward|backward|smooth
direction to run model (forward|backward|smooth)

-mod filename, --model filename
coarse spatial resolution input datasets(s) used as model. Use either multi-band
input (-model multiband_model.tif) or multiple single-band inputs (-mod model1 -mod
model2 etc.)

-modmask filename, --modmask filename
model mask datasets(s). Must have same dimension as model input. Use either
multi-band input or multiple single-band inputs

-obs filename, --observation filename
fine spatial resolution input dataset(s) used as observation. Use either multi-
band input (-obs multiband_obs.tif) or multiple single-band inputs (-obs obs1 -obs
obs2 etc.)

-obsmask filename, --obsmask filename
observation mask dataset(s). Must have same dimension as observation input (use
multi-band input or multiple single-band inputs)

-tmod number, --tmodel number
time sequence of model input. Sequence must have exact same length as model input.
Leave empty to have default sequence 0,1,2,etc.

-tobs number, --tobservation number
time sequence of observation input. Sequence must have exact same length as
observation input

-a_srs EPSG:number, --a_srs EPSG:number
Override the projection for the output file (leave blank to copy from input file,
use epsg:3035 to use European projection and force to European grid)

-ofw filename, --outputfw filename
Output raster dataset for forward model

-u_ofw filename, --u_outputfw filename
Uncertainty output raster dataset for forward model

-obw filename, --outputbw filename
Output raster dataset for backward model

-u_obw filename, --u_outputbw filename
Uncertainty output raster dataset for backward model

-ofb filename, --outputfb filename
Output raster dataset for smooth model

-u_ofb filename, --u_outputfb filename
Uncertainty output raster dataset for smooth model

-modnodata value, --modnodata value
invalid value for model input

-obsnodata value, --obsnodata value
invalid value for observation input

-msknodata value, --msknodata value
Mask value not to consider

-mskband value, --mskband value
Mask band to read (0 indexed)

-obsmin value, --obsmin value
Minimum value for observation data

-obsmax value, --obsmax value
Maximum value for observation data

-eps value, --eps value
epsilon for non zero division. Default: 0.00001

-um value, --uncertmodel value
Uncertainty of the model

-uo value, --uncertobs value
Uncertainty of valid observations

-unodata value, --uncertnodata value
Uncertainty in case of no-data values in observation.

-q value, --q value
Process noise: expresses instability (variance) of proportions of fine res pixels
within a moderate resolution pixel

-down number, --down number
Downsampling factor for reading model data to calculate regression (default is
ratio between coarse (model) and fine (obs) resolution raster datasets)

-ot type, --otype type
Data type for output image ({Byte / Int16 / UInt16 / UInt32 / Int32 / Float32 /
Float64 / CInt16 / CInt32 / CFloat32 / CFloat64}). Empty string: inherit type from
input image

-of GDALformat, --oformat GDALformat
Output image format (see also gdal_translate(1)). Empty string: inherit from input

Creation option for output file. Multiple options can be specified.

-v level, --verbose level
verbose mode when positive

24 January 2016 pkkalman(1)

Use pkkalman online using onworks.net services

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