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rox - Online in the Cloud

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ROX-Filer - a simple graphical file manager


rox [OPTION]... [FILE]...


ROX-Filer is a simple and easy to use graphical file manager for X11, the windowing system
used on Unix and Unix-like operating systems.

It is also the core component of the ROX Desktop: http://rox.sourceforge.net

Invoking rox opens each directory or file listed, or the current working directory if no
arguments are given.


-b, --border=PANEL
open PANEL.

-B, --bottom=PANEL
open PANEL as a bottom-edge panel.

-c, --client-id=ID
used for session management.

-d, --dir=DIR
open DIR as directory (not as an application, even if it looks like one).

-D, --close=DIR
close DIR and all its subdirectories.

-h, --help
display help about the various options.

-l, --left=PANEL
open PANEL as a left-edge panel.

-m, --mime-type=FILE
print MIME type of FILE and exit.

-n, --new
start a new filer, even if one already seems to be
running. This also prevents the filer from forking (running in the
background). This option is mainly useful for debugging.

-p, --pinboard=PIN
use pinboard PIN as the pinboard.

-r, --right=PANEL
open PANEL as a right-edge panel.

-R, --RPC
read and invoke SOAP RPC from standard input (see the manual).

-s, --show=FILE
open a directory showing FILE.

-S, --rox-session
run by session manager, open the default panel and pinboard (implies --new). If an
XSM session manager is running and this option is used then ROX-Filer will ask to
be automatically restarted if it crashes.

-t, --top=PANEL
open PANEL as a top-edge panel.

-u, --user
show user name in each window.

-U, --url=URI
run URI as a file or directory. If URI is a file: url and refers to a file on the
local machine then it is converted to a local file name: rox -U file:///tmp is
equivalent to rox /tmp. If the URI is some other scheme the shared URI handler
configuration is consulted to run it.

-v, --version
display the version information and exit.

-x, --examine=FILE
FILE has changed; re-examine it.


The main documentation for ROX-Filer is available by choosing Show Help Files from the
popup menu, or by clicking on the right-most toolbar icon.

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