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tilestache-seed - Online in the Cloud

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tilestache-seed - seed a single layer in your TileStache configuration


tilestache-seed [options] zoom...


This manual page documents briefly the tilestache-seed command.

tilestache-seed seeds a single layer in your TileStache configuration. No images are
returned, but TileStache ends up with a pre-filled cache. Bounding box is given as a pair
of lat/lon coordinates, e.g. "37.788 -122.349 37.833 -122.246". Output is a list of tile
paths as they are created.
Configuration, BBox, and Layer options are required.


-c, --config file
Path to configuration file. Required.

-l, --layer layer
Layer name from configuration. Required.

-b, --bbox south west north east
Bounding box in floating point geographic coordinates. Required.


-h, --help
Show summary of options.

-p, --padding padding
Extra margin of tiles to add around bounded area. Default value is 0 (no extra

-e, --extension extension
Optional file type for rendered tiles. Default value is "png" for most image layers
and some variety of JSON for Vector or Mapnik Grid providers.

-f, --progress-file file
Optional JSON progress file that gets written on each iteration, so you don't have
to pay close attention.

-q Suppress chatty output, --progress-file works well with this.

-i, --include-path
Add the following colon-separated list of paths to Python's include path (aka

-d, --output-directory
Optional output directory for tiles, to override configured cache with the
equivalent of:
{"name": "Disk", "path": <output directory>, "dirs": "portable", "gzip": []}.

More information in http://tilestache.org/doc/#caches.

Optional output file for tiles, will be created as an MBTiles 1.1 tileset. See
http://mbtiles.org for more information.

Optional input file for tiles, will be read as an MBTiles 1.1 tileset. See
http://mbtiles.org for more information. Overrides --extension, --bbox and
--padding (this may change).

Optional output bucket for tiles, will be populated with tiles in a standard Z/X/Y
layout. Three required arguments: AWS access-key, secret, and bucket name.

Optional file of tile coordinates, a simple text list of Z/X/Y coordinates.
Overrides --bbox and --padding.

Optional file of failed tile coordinates, a simple text list of Z/X/Y coordinates.
If provided, failed tiles will be logged to this file instead of stopping

If true this will cause tilestache-seed to retry failed tile renderings up to (3)
times. Default value is False.

-x, --ignore-cached
Re-render every tile, whether it is in the cache already or not.

Add a JSONP callback for tiles with a json mime-type, causing "*.js" tiles to be
written to the cache wrapped in the callback function. Ignored for non-JSON tiles.

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