This is the command tracetopends that can be run in the OnWorks free hosting provider using one of our multiple free online workstations such as Ubuntu Online, Fedora Online, Windows online emulator or MAC OS online emulator
tracetopends - reports the endpoints that are responsible for the most traffic in a trace
tracetopends [ -f bpf ] [ -A addrtype ] [ -s ] [ -d ] [ -b ] [ -a ] [ -p ] [ -n topcount ]
inputuri [inputuri ...]
tracetopends reports the number of bytes and packets sent and received by the busiest
endpoints observed in the input trace(s).
-f bpf filter
Output only packets that match tcpdump style bpf filter.
-n top count
Report the top N endpoints (defaults to 10).
-A address type
Specifies how an endpoint should be defined. Suitable options are "mac", "v4" and
"v6" which will report endpoint stats for each observed MAC address, IPv4 address
and IPv6 address respectively.
-s Sort endpoints based on the amount of outgoing traffic (will cancel any previous -d
option. This is on by default.
-d Sort endpoints based on the amount of incoming traffic (will cancel any previous -s
-b Sort endpoints based on the amount of IP traffic (will cancel any previous -a or -p
options. This is on by default.
-a Sort endpoints based on the amount of application layer traffic (will cancel any
previous -b or -p options.
-p Sort endpoints based on the amount of packets (will cancel any previous -b or -a
Output is written to stdout in columns separated by blank space.
The columns are (in order):
* Endpoint address
* Time last observed
* Packets originating from the endpoint
* Bytes originating from the endpoint (IP header onwards)
* Payload originating from the endpoint (post transport header)
* Packets sent to the endpoint
* Bytes sent to the endpoint (IP header onwards)
* Payload sent to the endpoint (post transport header)
Find the IPv4 addresses that are sending the most traffic.
tracetopends -A v4 -b -s erf:trace.erf.gz
More details about tracetopends (and libtrace) can be found at
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