
Free Hosting Online for WorkStations

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Table of Contents

Preface viii

i. Foreword viii

ii. Audience viii

iii. LFS Target Architectures ix

iv. LFS and Standards x

v. Rationale for Packages in the Book xi

vi. Prerequisites xvi

vii. Typography xvii

viii. Structure xviii

ix. Errata xviii

I. Introduction 1

1. Introduction 2

1.1. How to Build an LFS System 2

1.2. What's new since the last release 2

1.3. Changelog 4

1.4. Resources 7

1.5. Help 8

II. Preparing for the Build 10

2. Preparing the Host System 11

2.1. Introduction 11

2.2. Host System Requirements 11

2.3. Building LFS in Stages 14

2.4. Creating a New Partition 14

2.5. Creating a File System on the Partition 16

2.6. Setting The $LFS Variable 17

2.7. Mounting the New Partition 18

3. Packages and Patches 19

3.1. Introduction 19

3.2. All Packages 19

3.3. Needed Patches 27

4. Final Preparations 28

4.1. Introduction 28

4.2. Creating the $LFS/tools Directory 28

4.3. Adding the LFS User 28

4.4. Setting Up the Environment 29

4.5. About SBUs 30

4.6. About the Test Suites 31

5. Constructing a Temporary System 33

5.1. Introduction 33

5.2. Toolchain Technical Notes 33

5.3. General Compilation Instructions 35

5.4. Binutils-2.32 - Pass 1 36

5.5. GCC-9.2.0 - Pass 1 38

5.6. Linux-5.2.8 API Headers 41

5.7. Glibc-2.30 42

5.8. Libstdc++ from GCC-9.2.0 44

5.9. Binutils-2.32 - Pass 2 46

5.10. GCC-9.2.0 - Pass 2 48

5.11. Tcl-8.6.9 51

5.12. Expect-5.45.4 53

5.13. DejaGNU-1.6.2 55

5.14. M4-1.4.18 56

5.15. Ncurses-6.1 57

5.16. Bash-5.0 58

5.17. Bison-3.4.1 59

5.18. Bzip2-1.0.8 60

5.19. Coreutils-8.31 61

5.20. Diffutils-3.7 62

5.21. File-5.37 63

5.22. Findutils-4.6.0 64

5.23. Gawk-5.0.1 65

5.24. Gettext-0.20.1 66

5.25. Grep-3.3 67

5.26. Gzip-1.10 68

5.27. Make-4.2.1 69

5.28. Patch-2.7.6 70

5.29. Perl-5.30.0 71

5.30. Python-3.7.4 72

5.31. Sed-4.7 73

5.32. Tar-1.32 74

5.33. Texinfo-6.6 75

5.34. Xz-5.2.4 76

5.35. Stripping 77

5.36. Changing Ownership 77

III. Building the LFS System 78

6. Installing Basic System Software 79

6.1. Introduction 79

6.2. Preparing Virtual Kernel File Systems 80

6.3. Package Management 81

6.4. Entering the Chroot Environment 84

6.5. Creating Directories 85

6.6. Creating Essential Files and Symlinks 86

6.7. Linux-5.2.8 API Headers 89

6.8. Man-pages-5.02 90

6.9. Glibc-2.30 91

6.10. Adjusting the Toolchain 99

6.11. Zlib-1.2.11 101

6.12. File-5.37 102

6.13. Readline-8.0 103

6.14. M4-1.4.18 105

6.15. Bc-2.1.3 106

6.16. Binutils-2.32 107

6.17. GMP-6.1.2 110

6.18. MPFR-4.0.2 112

6.19. MPC-1.1.0 113

6.20. Shadow-4.7 114

6.21. GCC-9.2.0 118

6.22. Bzip2-1.0.8 123

6.23. Pkg-config-0.29.2 125

6.24. Ncurses-6.1 126

6.25. Attr-2.4.48 129

6.26. Acl-2.2.53 130

6.27. Libcap-2.27 131

6.28. Sed-4.7 132

6.29. Psmisc-23.2 133

6.30. Iana-Etc-2.30 134

6.31. Bison-3.4.1 135

6.32. Flex-2.6.4 136

6.33. Grep-3.3 137

6.34. Bash-5.0 138

6.35. Libtool-2.4.6 140

6.36. GDBM-1.18.1 141

6.37. Gperf-3.1 142

6.38. Expat-2.2.7 143

6.39. Inetutils-1.9.4 144

6.40. Perl-5.30.0 146

6.41. XML::Parser-2.44 149

6.42. Intltool-0.51.0 150

6.43. Autoconf-2.69 151

6.44. Automake-1.16.1 153

6.45. Xz-5.2.4 154

6.46. Kmod-26 156

6.47. Gettext-0.20.1 158

6.48. Libelf from Elfutils-0.177 160

6.49. Libffi-3.2.1 161

6.50. OpenSSL-1.1.1c 163

6.51. Python-3.7.4 165

6.52. Ninja-1.9.0 167

6.53. Meson-0.51.1 169

6.54. Coreutils-8.31 170

6.55. Check-0.12.0 176

6.56. Diffutils-3.7 177

6.57. Gawk-5.0.1 178

6.58. Findutils-4.6.0 179

6.59. Groff-1.22.4 181

6.60. GRUB-2.04 184

6.61. Less-551 186

6.62. Gzip-1.10 187

6.63. IPRoute2-5.2.0 189

Linux From Scratch - Version 9.0

6.64. Kbd-2.2.0 191

6.65. Libpipeline-1.5.1 193

6.66. Make-4.2.1 194

6.67. Patch-2.7.6 195

6.68. Man-DB- 196

6.69. Tar-1.32 199

6.70. Texinfo-6.6 200

6.71. Vim-8.1.1846 202

6.72. Procps-ng-3.3.15 205

6.73. Util-linux-2.34 207

6.74. E2fsprogs-1.45.3 212

6.75. Sysklogd-1.5.1 215

6.76. Sysvinit-2.95 217

6.77. Eudev-3.2.8 218

6.78. About Debugging Symbols 220

6.79. Stripping Again 220

6.80. Cleaning Up 221

7. System Configuration 223

7.1. Introduction 223

7.2. LFS-Bootscripts-20190524 224

7.3. Overview of Device and Module Handling 226

7.4. Managing Devices 229

7.5. General Network Configuration 232

7.6. System V Bootscript Usage and Configuration 234

7.7. The Bash Shell Startup Files 244

7.8. Creating the /etc/inputrc File 246

7.9. Creating the /etc/shells File 248

8. Making the LFS System Bootable 249

8.1. Introduction 249

8.2. Creating the /etc/fstab File 249

8.3. Linux-5.2.8 251

8.4. Using GRUB to Set Up the Boot Process 255

9. The End 257

9.1. The End 257

9.2. Get Counted 257

9.3. Rebooting the System 257

9.4. What Now? 259

IV. Appendices 260

A. Acronyms and Terms 261

B. Acknowledgments 264

C. Dependencies 267

D. Boot and sysconfig scripts version-20190524 279

D.1. /etc/rc.d/init.d/rc 279

D.2. /lib/lsb/init-functions 283

D.3. /etc/rc.d/init.d/mountvirtfs 297

D.4. /etc/rc.d/init.d/modules 298

D.5. /etc/rc.d/init.d/udev 300

D.6. /etc/rc.d/init.d/swap 301

D.7. /etc/rc.d/init.d/setclock 303

D.8. /etc/rc.d/init.d/checkfs 304

D.9. /etc/rc.d/init.d/mountfs 306

D.10. /etc/rc.d/init.d/udev_retry 308

D.11. /etc/rc.d/init.d/cleanfs 309

D.12. /etc/rc.d/init.d/console 311

D.13. /etc/rc.d/init.d/localnet 313

D.14. /etc/rc.d/init.d/sysctl 315

D.15. /etc/rc.d/init.d/sysklogd 316

D.16. /etc/rc.d/init.d/network 317

D.17. /etc/rc.d/init.d/sendsignals 319

D.18. /etc/rc.d/init.d/reboot 320

D.19. /etc/rc.d/init.d/halt 321

D.20. /etc/rc.d/init.d/template 322

D.21. /etc/sysconfig/modules 323

D.22. /etc/sysconfig/createfiles 323

D.23. /etc/sysconfig/udev-retry 324

D.24. /sbin/ifup 324

D.25. /sbin/ifdown 327

D.26. /lib/services/ipv4-static 329

D.27. /lib/services/ipv4-static-route 330

E. Udev configuration rules 333

E.1. 55-lfs.rules 333

F. LFS Licenses 334

F.1. Creative Commons License 334

F.2. The MIT License 338

Index 339

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