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6.46.1. Installation of Kmod

Prepare Kmod for compilation:

./configure --prefix=/usr






./configure --prefix=/usr






The meaning of the configure options:

--with-xz, --with-zlib

These options enable Kmod to handle compressed kernel modules.


This option ensures different library related files are placed in the correct directories.

Compile the package:



This package does not come with a test suite that can be run in the LFS chroot environment. At a minimum the git program is required and several tests will not run outside of a git repository.

Install the package, and create symlinks for compatibility with Module-Init-Tools (the package that previously handled Linux kernel modules):

make install

for target in depmod insmod lsmod modinfo modprobe rmmod; do ln -sfv ../bin/kmod /sbin/$target


ln -sfv kmod /bin/lsmod

make install

for target in depmod insmod lsmod modinfo modprobe rmmod; do ln -sfv ../bin/kmod /sbin/$target


ln -sfv kmod /bin/lsmod

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