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6.64.2. Contents of Kbd

Installed programs: chvt, deallocvt, dumpkeys, fgconsole, getkeycodes, kbdinfo, kbd_mode, kbdrate, loadkeys, loadunimap, mapscrn, openvt, psfaddtable (link to psfxtable), psfgettable (link to psfxtable), psfstriptable (link to psfxtable), psfxtable, setfont, setkeycodes, setleds, setmetamode, setvtrgb, showconsolefont, showkey, unicode_start, and unicode_stop

Installed directories: /usr/share/consolefonts, /usr/share/consoletrans, /usr/share/keymaps, /usr/share/doc/ kbd-2.2.0, and /usr/share/unimaps

Short Descriptions

chvt Changes the foreground virtual terminal

deallocvt Deallocates unused virtual terminals

dumpkeys Dumps the keyboard translation tables

fgconsole Prints the number of the active virtual terminal getkeycodes Prints the kernel scancode-to-keycode mapping table kbdinfo Obtains information about the status of a console‌‌

kbd_mode Reports or sets the keyboard mode

kbdrate Sets the keyboard repeat and delay rates

loadkeys Loads the keyboard translation tables

loadunimap Loads the kernel unicode-to-font mapping table

mapscrn An obsolete program that used to load a user-defined output character mapping table into the console driver; this is now done by setfont

openvt Starts a program on a new virtual terminal (VT)

psfaddtable Adds a Unicode character table to a console font

psfgettable Extracts the embedded Unicode character table from a console font psfstriptable Removes the embedded Unicode character table from a console font psfxtable Handles Unicode character tables for console fonts‌‌

setfont Changes the Enhanced Graphic Adapter (EGA) and Video Graphics Array (VGA) fonts on the console

setkeycodes Loads kernel scancode-to-keycode mapping table entries; this is useful if there are unusual keys on the keyboard

setleds Sets the keyboard flags and Light Emitting Diodes (LEDs)

setmetamode Defines the keyboard meta-key handling setvtrgb Sets the console color map in all virtual terminals showconsolefont Shows the current EGA/VGA console screen font‌‌

showkey Reports the scancodes, keycodes, and ASCII codes of the keys pressed on the keyboard

unicode_start Puts the keyboard and console in UNICODE mode [Don't use this program unless your keymap file is in the ISO-8859-1 encoding. For other encodings, this utility produces incorrect results.]

unicode_stop Reverts keyboard and console from UNICODE mode

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