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6.71.3. Contents of Vim

Installed programs: ex (link to vim), rview (link to vim), rvim (link to vim), vi (link to vim), view (link to vim), vim, vimdiff (link to vim), vimtutor, and xxd

Installed directory: /usr/share/vim

Short Descriptions

ex Starts vim in ex mode

rview Is a restricted version of view; no shell commands can be started and view cannot be suspended rvim Is a restricted version of vim; no shell commands can be started and vim cannot be suspended vi Link to vim‌‌

view Starts vim in read-only mode

vim Is the editor

vimdiff Edits two or three versions of a file with vim and shows differences

vimtutor Teaches the basic keys and commands of vim

xxd Creates a hex dump of the given file; it can also do the reverse, so it can be used for binary patching

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