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Chapter 7. System Configuration‌


7.1. Introduction7.1.1. System V7.2. LFS-Bootscripts-201905247.2.0. 7.2.1. Installation of LFS-Bootscripts7.2.2. Contents of LFS-Bootscripts7.3. Overview of Device and Module Handling7.3.1. History7.3.2. Udev Implementation7.3.2.1. Sysfs7.3.2.2. Device Node Creation7.3.2.3. Module Loading7.3.2.4. Handling Hotpluggable/Dynamic Devices7.3.3. Problems with Loading Modules and Creating Devices7.3.3.1. A kernel module is not loaded automatically7.3.3.2. A kernel module is not loaded automatically, and Udev is not intended to load it7.3.3.3. Udev loads some unwanted module7.3.3.4. Udev creates a device incorrectly, or makes a wrong symlink7.3.3.5. Udev rule works unreliably7.3.3.6. Udev does not create a device7.3.3.7. Device naming order changes randomly after rebooting7.3.4. Useful Reading7.4. Managing Devices7.4.1. Network Devices7.4.1.1. Disabling Persistent Naming on the Kernel Command Line7.4.1.2. Creating Custom Udev Rules7.4.2. CD-ROM symlinks7.4.3. Dealing with duplicate devices7.5. General Network Configuration7.5.1. Creating Network Interface Configuration Files7.5.2. Creating the /etc/resolv.conf File7.5.3. Configuring the system hostname7.5.4. Customizing the /etc/hosts File7.6. System V Bootscript Usage and Configuration7.6.1. How Do the System V Bootscripts Work?7.6.2. Configuring Sysvinit7.6.2.1. Changing Run Levels7.6.3. Udev Bootscripts7.6.4. Configuring the System Clock7.6.5. Configuring the Linux Console7.6.6. Creating Files at Boot7.6.7. Configuring the sysklogd Script7.6.8. The File7.6.8.1. Customizing the Boot and Shutdown Scripts7.7. The Bash Shell Startup Files7.8. Creating the /etc/inputrc File7.9. Creating the /etc/shells File

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