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7.2.2. Contents of LFS-Bootscripts

Installed scripts: checkfs, cleanfs, console, functions, halt, ifdown, ifup, localnet, modules, mountfs, mountvirtfs, network, rc, reboot, sendsignals, setclock, ipv4-static, swap, sysctl, sysklogd, template, udev, and udev_retry

Installed directories: /etc/rc.d, /etc/init.d (symbolic link), /etc/sysconfig, /lib/services, /lib/lsb (symbolic link)

Short Descriptions

checkfs Checks the integrity of the file systems before they are mounted (with the exception of journal and network based file systems)

cleanfs Removes files that should not be preserved between reboots, such as those in /var/run/ and / var/lock/; it re-creates /var/run/utmp and removes the possibly present /etc/nologin,

/fastboot, and /forcefsck files

console Loads the correct keymap table for the desired keyboard layout; it also sets the screen font functions Contains common functions, such as error and status checking, that are used by several bootscripts halt Halts the system‌‌

ifdown Stops a network device

ifup Initializes a network device

localnet Sets up the system's hostname and local loopback device

modules Loads kernel modules listed in /etc/sysconfig/modules, using arguments that are also given there

mountfs Mounts all file systems, except ones that are marked noauto or are network based

mountvirtfs Mounts virtual kernel file systems, such as proc

network Sets up network interfaces, such as network cards, and sets up the default gateway (where applicable)

rc The master run-level control script; it is responsible for running all the other bootscripts one-by-one, in a sequence determined by the name of the symbolic links being processed

reboot Reboots the system

sendsignals Makes sure every process is terminated before the system reboots or halts

setclock Resets the kernel clock to local time in case the hardware clock is not set to UTC time

ipv4-static Provides the functionality needed to assign a static Internet Protocol (IP) address to a network interface

swap Enables and disables swap files and partitions

sysctl Loads system configuration values from /etc/sysctl.conf, if that file exists, into the running kernel

sysklogd Starts and stops the system and kernel log daemons template A template to create custom bootscripts for other daemons udev Prepares the /dev directory and starts Udev‌‌

udev_retry Retries failed udev uevents, and copies generated rules files from /run/udev to /etc/udev/ rules.d if required

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