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sig2dot - creates a .dot file from a GPG signature listing


sig2dot [OPTIONS] < input-file > output-file


This manual page documents briefly the sig2dot command. Sig2dot parses the output of "gpg
--list-sigs" and produces a .dot file that can be used as input to a graphing program.


sig2dot accepts the following options:

-b Black and white / do not colorize.

-d <date> Render graph as it appeared on <date> (ignores more recent signatures).
Date must be in the format "YYYY-MM-DD". Will also ignore keys that have
since been revoked.

-s <html-file-name>
Produces a sory HTML statistics file with the number of signatures per

-a Graph all keys, even if they do not have a signature

-r <key-revoked-string>
Sets the text for the key-revoked string used by GnuPG. The default is
what is used in the English version. This parameter can be set for
versions of GnuPG localized to other languages. Default: "[revoked".

-t <title> Sets the title for the graph generated. Default: "Keyring Statistics".

-u <user-not-found-string>
Sets the text for the user-not-found string used by GnuPG. The default is
what is used in the English version. This parameter can be set for
versions of GnuPG localized to other languages. Default: "[user id not

-q Be quiet.

-h Print help and exit.

-v Print version and exit.


gpg --list-sigs | sig2dot > sigs.dot
springgraph < sigs.dot > sigs.png

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