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lasinfo - Online in the Cloud

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This is the command lasinfo that can be run in the OnWorks free hosting provider using one of our multiple free online workstations such as Ubuntu Online, Fedora Online, Windows online emulator or MAC OS online emulator



lasinfo - display LAS file details


lasinfo [-h | -i arg [-v] [--no-vlrs] [--no-schema] [--no-check] [--xml] [-p arg]
[Filtering options] ]


lasinfo displays LAS file details with optional output filters. While lasinfo can do a
few simple operations like updating header information, more drastic changes, like
removing points or altering values, will require las2las(1).


lasinfo options:

-h, --help
produce help message

-i arg, --input arg
input LAS file

-v, --verbose
Verbose message output

Don't show VLRs

Don't show schema

Don't scan points

--xml Output as XML

-p arg, --point arg
Display a point with a given id. --point 44

Filtering options:

-e arg, --extent arg
Extent window that points must fall within to keep. Use a comma-separated or
quoted, space-separated list, for example, -e minx, miny, maxx, maxy or -e minx,
miny, minz, maxx, maxy, maxz -e "minx miny minz maxx maxy maxz"

--minx arg
Extent must be greater than or equal to minx to be kept. --minx 1234.0

--miny arg
Extent must be greater than or equal to miny to be kept. --miny 5678.0

--minz arg
Extent must be greater than or equal to minz to be kept. If maxx and maxy are set
but not minz *and maxz, all z values are kept. --minz 0.0

--maxx arg
Extent must be less than or equal to maxx to be kept. --maxx 1234.0

--maxy arg
Extent must be less than or equal to maxy to be kept. --maxy 5678.0

--maxz arg
Extent must be less than or equal to maxz to be kept. If maxx and maxy are set but
not maxz *and minz, all z values are kept. --maxz 10.0

-t arg, --thin arg (=0)
Simple decimation-style thinning. Thin the file by removing every t'th point from
the file.

Keep last returns (cannot be used with --first_return_only)

Keep first returns (cannot be used with --last_return_only)

--keep-returns arg
A list of return numbers to keep in the output file: --keep-returns 1 2 3

--drop-returns arg
Return numbers to drop. For example, --drop-returns 2 3 4 5

Keep only valid points

--keep-classes arg
A list of classifications to keep: --keep-classes 2 4 12 --keep-classes 2

--drop-classes arg
A comma-separated list of classifications to drop: --drop-classes 1,7,8
--drop-classes 2

--keep-intensity arg
Range in which to keep intensity. The following expression types are supported:
--keep-intensity 0-100 --keep-intensity <200 --keep-intensity >400 --keep-intensity

--drop-intensity arg
Range in which to drop intensity. The following expression types are supported:
--drop-intensity <200 --drop-intensity >400 --drop-intensity >=200

--keep-time arg
Range in which to keep time. The following expression types are supported:
--keep-time 413665.2336-414092.8462 --keep-time <414094.8462 --keep-time
>413665.2336 --keep-time >=413665.2336

--drop-time arg
Range in which to drop time. The following expression types are supported:
--drop-time <413666.2336 --drop-time >413665.2336 --drop-time >=413665.2336

--keep-scan-angle arg
Range in which to keep scan angle. The following expression types are supported:
--keep-scan-angle 0-100 --keep-scan-angle <100 --keep-scan-angle <=100

--drop-scan-angle arg
Range in which to drop scan angle. The following expression types are supported:
--drop-scan-angle <30 --drop-scan-angle >100 --drop-scan-angle >=100

--keep-color arg
Range in which to keep colors. Define colors as two 3-tuples (R,G,B-R,G,B):
--keep-color '0,0,0-125,125,125'

--drop-color arg
Range in which to drop colors. Define colors as two 3-tuples (R,G,B-R,G,B):
--drop-color '255,255,255-65536,65536,65536'


Example data

Visit the libLAS sample library for LiDAR data in LAS format: ⟨http://liblas.org/samples/

20 November 2015 lasinfo(1)

Use lasinfo online using onworks.net services

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