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gyp - cross-platform makefile generator for Chromium


gyp [options] [build_file...]


Uses the specified build files to generate build scripts or project files in the current
platform’s native format. If no build file is specified, all files in the current
directory with a .gyp suffix are used.


Provide a default value for the given variable. This supplements settings from the
GYP_DEFINES environment variable, which should be a space-separated list of
<variable>=<value> pairs.

-f<format>[(,<format>)...], --format=<format>[(,<format>)...]
Generate output in the formats listed. Valid formats include make (GNU makefile),
xcode (Xcode project file), msvs (Visual Studio project file), scons (SCons rule set),
and gypd (gyp input, for debugging).

Defaults to the value of the GYP_GENERATORS environment variable, which should be a
comma-separated list of formats, or the platform’s native format if unset (xcode for
Mac OS X, msvs for Windows, including Cygwin, make for other Unix).

-I<path>, --include=<path>
Implicitly include the contents of the <path> file in all loaded .gyp files.

For Chromium, the gyp "depth" variable should always be a relative path to Chromium’s
top-level src directory. This option allows one to specify a path the DEPTH variable
should be set relative to.

Defaults to the first directory named src found as an ancestor of one of the build
files passed on the command line.

-d<debug mode>, --debug=<debug mode>
Turn on debugging output. Valid debugging modes include "general" to list options
used, "variables" to trace variable expansion, and "includes" to trace build file
include directives.

-S<suffix>, --suffix=<suffix>
Insert the specified string in the names of generated files before the standard
extension. For example, with the make backend and a suffix of ".foo", gyp will write
the main makefile to Makefile.foo and target-specific snippets to target.foo.mk.

Set a "generator flag", which is an option specific to the particular output format.
All generator flags have names beginning with the name of the output format. This
supplements the GYP_GENERATOR_FLAGS environment variable, which should be a
space-separated list of <flag>=<value> pairs.

Write the generated build files under the <dir> directory and adjust paths
accordingly. This allows building in a separate directory from the source files.

This overrides the GYP_GENERATOR_OUTPUT environment variable.

Do not read options from environment variables.

Take extra time to verify the syntax of each build_file.

Use multiprocessing for speed (experimental).

Directory to use as the root of the source tree.

Configuration for build after project generation.

Disable the check for circular relationships between .gyp files. These relationships
should not exist, but they’ve only been observed to be harmful with the Xcode output
format. Chromium’s .gyp files currently have some circular relationships on non-Mac
platforms, so this option allows the strict behavior to be used on Macs and the
lenient behavior to be used elsewhere.

This option is likely to be removed once all circular relationships in Chromium are


See the -D, --format, -G, and --generator-output options.

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