Windows Presentation Foundation (WPF)
is a UI framework for building Windows
desktop applications. WPF supports a
broad set of application development
Mit dem Programm kann man schnell und
einfach Pausen bei Sportveranstaltungen
mit Musik �berbr�cken. Hierf�r haben sie
die M�glichkeit, folgende Wiedergabvaria...
Ever wanted to get rid of Outlook ?
DavMail is a
gateway allowing users to use any mail
client with Exchange and Office 365, e...
DivFix++ is yours AVI video repair and
preview software. It designed for repair
and preview files which are on download
from ed2k(emule), torrent, gnutella, ftp...
Community driven projects featuring the
latest innovations for cutting edge
apps. Our flagship project JBoss AS is
the leading Open Source,
django Filer is a file management
application for django that makes
handling files and images a breeze.
django-filer is a file management
application for djang...
A 32/64/16-bit Pascal compiler for
Win32/64/CE, Linux, Mac OS X/iOS,
FreeBSD, OS/2, Game Boy Advance,
Nintendo NDS and DOS; semantically
compatible with Delphi,...
Canon doesn�t have shutter count
included on the EXIF information of an
image file, as opposed to Nikon and
Pentax. There�s no official Canon based
application ...
Universal Media Server is a
DLNA-compliant UPnP Media Server
Universal Media Server supports all
major operating systems, with versions
for Windows, Linux and ...
This SourceForge download page was to
grant users to download my source built
GSIs, based upon phhusson's great
work. I build both Android Pie and
Android 1...
JPEGView is a lean, fast and highly
configurable viewer/editor for JPEG,
BMP, PNG, WEBP, TGA, GIF and TIFF images
with a minimal GUI. Basic on-the-fly
image pr...
gretl is a cross-platform software
package for econometric analysis,
written in the C programming language..
Features:Easy, intuitive
GUISophisticated (OLS, ML...