nntpget - Online in the Cloud

This is the command nntpget that can be run in the OnWorks free hosting provider using one of our multiple free online workstations such as Ubuntu Online, Fedora Online, Windows online emulator or MAC OS online emulator



nntpget - get Usenet articles from a remote NNTP server


nntpget [ -d dist ] [ -f file ] [ -n newsgroups ] [ -t timestring ] [ -o ] [ -u file ] [
-v ] host


Nntpget connects to the NNTP server at the specified host and retrieves articles from it.
The Message-ID's of the desired articles are read from standard input. The articles are
sent to standard output.


-o The ``-o'' option may be used only if the command is executed on the host where the
innd(8) server is running. If this option is used, nntpget connects to the
specified remote host to retrieve articles. Any article not present in the local
history database is then fetched from the remote site and offered to the local

-v If the ``-v'' option is used with the ``-o'' option then the Message-ID of each
article will be sent to standard output as it is processed.

-f The list of article Message-ID's is normally read from standard input. If the
``-f'' option is used, then a ``newnews'' command is used to retrieve all articles
newer then the modification date of the specified file.

-u The ``-u'' option is the same except that if the transfer succeeded, the file will
be updated with a statistics line, modifying its timestamp so that it can be used
in later invocations.

-t If the ``-t'' option is used, then the specified timestring is used as the time and
date parameter to the ``newnews'' command.

-n If either the ``-t'' or ``-f'' options are used, then the ``-n'' option may be used
to specify a newsgroup list. The default is ``*''

-d The ``-d'' option may be used to specify a distribution list when using the ``-t''
or ``-f'' options. The default is no distribution list.


Written by Rich $alz <rsalz@uunet.uu.net> for InterNetNews. This is revision 1.10, dated

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