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pegasus-rc-client - shell client for replica implementations


pegasus-rc-client [-Dproperty=value[...]] [-V]
[-c fn] [-p k=v]
[[-f fn]|[-i|-d fn]|[cmd [args]]


The shell interface to replica catalog implementations is a prototype. It determines from
various property setting which class implements the replica manager interface, and loads
that driver at run-time. Some commands depend on the implementation.


Any option will be displayed with its long options synonym(s).

The -D option allows an experienced user to override certain properties which
influence the program execution, among them the default location of the user’s
properties file and the PEGASUS home location. One may set several CLI properties by
giving this option multiple times. The -D option(s) must be the first option on the
command line. A CLI property take precedence over the properties file property of the
same key.

-c fn, --conf fn
Path to the property file

-f fn, --file fn
The optional input file argument permits to enter non-interactive bulk mode. If this
option is not present, replica manager specific commands should be issued on the
command-line. The special filename hyphen (-) can be used to read from pipes.

Default is to use an interactive interface reading from stdin.

-i fn, --insert fn
The optional input file argument permits insertion of entries from the Replica Catalog
in a bulk mode, wherever supported by the underlying implementation. This is highly,
useful when interfacing with the Globus RLS as the backend, and one wants to inserts
millions of entries in it.

Each line in the file denotes one mapping of the format <lfn> <pfn> [k=v [..]]

-d fn, --delete fn
The optional input file argument permits deletion of entries from the Replica Catalog
in a bulk mode, wherever supported by the underlying implementation. This is highly,
useful when interfacing with the Globus RLS as the backend, and one wants to delete
millions of entries from it.

Each line in the file denotes one mapping of the format: <lfn> <pfn> [k=v [..]]

-p k=v, --pref k=v
This option may be specified multiple times. Each specification populates instance
preferences. Preferences control the extend of log information, or the output format
string to use in listings.

The keys format and level are recognized as of this writing.

There are no defaults.

cmd [args]
If not in file-driven mode, a single command can be specified with its arguments.

Default is to use interactive mode.

-V, --version
displays the version of Pegasus you are using.


Regular and planned program terminations will result in an exit code of 0. Abnormal
termination will result in a non-zero exit code.

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