ppmtowinicon - Online in the Cloud

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ppmtowinicon - convert 1 or more portable pixmaps into a Windows .ico file


ppmtowinicon [-andpgms] [-output output.ico] [ppmfiles...]


Reads one or more portable pixmaps as input. Produces a Microsoft Windows .ico file as

A Windows icon contains 1 or more images, at different resolutions and color depths.

Microsoft recommends including at least the following formats in each icon (size and bits-

16 x 16 - 4 bpp

32 x 32 - 4 bpp

48 x 48 - 8 bpp

Default I/O is STDIN/STDOUT.


If this option is given, every second file is read as an "and mask" to be used by
windows for transparency data for the previous image. (These are set to fully
opaque by default). The and mask is a PGM image, where any pixel with maxval
intensity means opaque and any other pixel means not opaque. Note that as with all
Netpbm programs, you may use a PBM file here and it will be used as if it were the
equivalent PGM.

The and mask is like an alpha mask, except for what it signifies in the "not
opaque" areas. In the usual case, the foreground image is black in those areas, and
in that case the areas are fully transparent -- the background shows through the
icon. But in general, a not opaque pixel signifies that the background and
foreground should be merged as follows: The intensities of the color components in
the forgeground and background are represented as binary numbers, then
corresponding bits of the background and foreground intensities are exlusive-or'ed
together. So there is a sort of reverse video effect.

-output output.ico
File to write. By default, the icon is written to stdout.

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