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qfractalnow - Online in the Cloud

Run qfractalnow in OnWorks free hosting provider over Ubuntu Online, Fedora Online, Windows online emulator or MAC OS online emulator

This is the command qfractalnow that can be run in the OnWorks free hosting provider using one of our multiple free online workstations such as Ubuntu Online, Fedora Online, Windows online emulator or MAC OS online emulator



qfractalnow - Explore fractals and generate fractal images.


qfractalnow [OPTIONS]


QFractalNow is a graphical tool, based on Qt library, that allows users to explore
fractals intuitively and generate pictures.
It is multi-threaded and implements advanced algorithms and heuristics that make
computation very fast compared to most existing free fractal generators.
See FractalNow, a command-line tool to generate fractal images.


-h Print help.

-q Quiet mode, only errors are displayed.

-v Verbose mode.

-j <NbThreads>
Specify number of threads (see help for default value).

-c <ConfigFile>
Specify configuration file, overriding default configuration.

-f <FractalFile>
Specify fractal file, overriding parameters from default configuration or
configuration file.

-r <RenderingFile>
Specify rendering file, overriding parameters from default configuration or
configuration file.

-g <GradientFile>
Specify gradient file, overriding gradient from default configuration,
configuration file, or rendering file.

-x <Width>
Specify image width.

-y <Height>
Specify image height.

-l <FloatType>
Specify float type:
single Single precision.
double Double precision.
ldouble Long double precision.
mp Multiple precision.

-L <MPPrecision>
Specify precision of Multiple Precision (MP) floats (see help for default value).

-a <AntiAliasingMethod>
Specify anti-aliasing method:
none By default.
blur Gaussian blur.
oversampling Oversampling.
adaptive Smart oversampling.

-m <MinAAMSize>
Specify minimum size of adaptive anti-aliasing (see help for default value).
Must be an integer strictly greater than 1.

-M <MaxAAMSize>
Specify maximum size of adaptive anti-aliasing (see help for default value).
Must be an integer strictly greater than 1 and MinAAMSize.

-n <AAMSizeIteration>
Anti-aliasing size iteration.
Anti-aliasing size will increase by steps of AAMSizeIteration from MinAAMSize to

-p <AAMThreshold>
Threshold for adaptive anti-aliasing (see help for default value).

-i <QuadSize>
Maximum size of quadrilaterals for linear interpolation.
Default is good for no visible loss of quality (see help for default value).
1 means no interpolation (all pixels are computed).

-t <Threshold>
Dissimilarity threshold for quad interpolation.
Default is good for no visible loss of quality (see help for default value).
A quadrilateral that shows too dissimilar values at its corners will be computed,
as opposed to interpolated.

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