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qgis - QGIS Geographic Information System


qgis [--snapshot filename]
[--lang language]
[--project projectfile]
[--extent xmin,ymin,xmax,ymax]
[--width width]
[--height height]
[--optionspath path]
[--configpath path]
See OPTIONS for a full description.


QGIS is a cross platform, Free and Open Source Geographic Information System (GIS).
Supported platforms include Linux/Unix, Mac OS X and Microsoft Windows. QGIS supports
vector, raster, and database formats. QGIS is licensed under the GNU General Public

Some of the major features include:

*Support for spatially enabled PostGIS tables
*Support for shapefiles, ArcInfo coverages, Mapinfo, and other formats
supported by OGR
*Raster support for a large number of formats
*Identify features
*Display attribute tables
*Select features
*GRASS Digitizing
*Feature labeling


--snapshot filename
Create a snapshot image from the specified layers and save it to filename. The
snapshot is saved in PNG format.

--lang language
Set the language used by QGIS. Language is specified using the locale string that
matches one of the translations supported by QGIS. For example, to use the German
translation, specify --lang de

--project filename
Load the specified QGIS project file. The layers specified in the project file are
loaded, the layers are symbolized, and the view extent is restored.

--extent xmin,ymin,xmax,ymax
Set initial map extent by passing coordinates of that rectangle.

--width width
Width of snapshot to emit

--height height
Height of snapshot to emit

Hide splash screen

Don't restore plugins on startup. Useful if some third-party plugins make QGIS
crash during startup.

--optionspath path
Use the given QSettings path

--configpath path
Use the given path for all user configuration

Display brief usage help.

A list of one or more files to be loaded into QGIS at startup. Files must consist
of a data format supported by QGIS and only disk-based formats can be loaded using
this method. This includes shapefiles, MapInfo files, and most raster formats. Data
stores that cannot be loaded in this way include PostGIS layers in a PostgreSQL
database and GRASS vector/raster data.

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