rmsgcat - Online in the Cloud

This is the command rmsgcat that can be run in the OnWorks free hosting provider using one of our multiple free online workstations such as Ubuntu Online, Fedora Online, Windows online emulator or MAC OS online emulator



rmsgcat - concatenates and merges PO files


rmsgcat [OPTIONS] PO_FILE1 PO_FILE2 ...


Concatenates and merges PO files.

Specific options:
-o, --output=FILE
Write output to specified file (default: the standard output)

Sort output by msgid

Sort output by location

Sort output by location It is same as --sort-by-location Just for GNU gettext's
msgcat compatibility

Sort output by msgid It is same as --sort-by-msgid Just for GNU gettext's msgcat

Remove location information

Remove all comments

Set output page width (78)

Break long message lines, longer than the output page width, into several lines

Ignore fuzzy entries

Don't report warning messages

Don't output obsolete entries

Remove FIELD from header Specify this option multiple times to remove multiple
header fields

Use rmsgcat online using onworks.net services

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