session-installer - Online in the Cloud

This is the command session-installer that can be run in the OnWorks free hosting provider using one of our multiple free online workstations such as Ubuntu Online, Fedora Online, Windows online emulator or MAC OS online emulator



session-installer - allows applications to easily install and remove software




Session-installer allows applications to easily install additional software (e.g.
extensions or GSreamer codecs), uninstall files and perform simple package status queries
by calling a distribution neutral D-Bus interface.

The whole process of confirmation, error reporting and progress notification is handled by
sessioninstaller. Currently it comes only with a GTK based user interface.

The D-Bus interface is developed under the PackageKit umbrella and is available on the
session bus. The reference implementation can be found in gnome-packagekit. It was also
adopted by KPackageKit.

In contrast to gnome-packagekit and KPackageKit it doesn't use the PackageKit daemon for
querying and installation, but instead makes use of APT and aptdaemon directly
(alternatively synaptic can be used).

Normally it is not required to start this programme manually since it makes use of D-Bus
activation and will be started on request automatically.


Set the package manager which should be used for installation. Possible values are
aptdaemon, synaptic and dummy.


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