SIFT_for_submitting_fasta_seq.csh - Online in the Cloud

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SIFT_for_submitting_fasta_seq.csh - predict effect of an amino acid substitution on
protein function


SIFT_for_submitting_fasta_seq.csh <FASTA_FILE> <BLAST_DB> <SUBSTITUTIONS_FILE>


SIFT predicts whether an amino acid substitution affects protein function based on
sequence homology and the physical properties of amino acids.

Results are stored in ./<seq_file>.SIFTprediction.

This program is used for FASTA input and is part of the SIFT suite.


Protein sequence in fasta format.

Protein database to search. These sequences are assumed to be functional.

File of substitutions to be predicted. See /usr/share/doc/sift/examples/lacI.subst
for an example of the format. If you give '-', scores for all mutations of the entire
protein sequence are printed.

Number of processors/cores to use when running blast via the -a argument.


SIFT_for_submitting_fasta_seq.csh /usr/share/doc/sift/examples/lacI.fasta [BLAST_DB] /usr/share/doc/sift/examples/lacI.subst

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