This is the command templatespp that can be run in the OnWorks free hosting provider using one of our multiple free online workstations such as Ubuntu Online, Fedora Online, Windows online emulator or MAC OS online emulator
templatespp - preprocessor based on templates parser
templatespp [-o file] file
templatespp is a pre-processor based on the template parser. It is generally used from
scripts to process files and generate other files. One of the possible uses, for
instance, is to write the CSS (style-sheet) of a web site as a template file (for instance
`mycss.tcss'), and use template parser structures in there. This is a good way to share
colors for instance, or to name constants, as is often done in Ada code.
Here is a small example of such a CSS:
@@SET@@ COLOR1=blue
@@SET@@ COLOR2=red
@@SET@@ LENGTH1=10
body {background:@_COLOR1_@}
div {background:@_COLOR2_@}
ul.class {background:@_COLOR1_@} /* same color as body */
ul {width:@_ADD(3):LENGTH1_@px} /* ul 3 pixels wider than li */
li {width:@_LENGTH1_@px}
Such a file would be processed with the following command line:
templatespp -o mycss.css mycss.tcss
-h Display a summary of options.
-o file
Write the output to file.
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