teqser - Online in the Cloud

This is the command teqser that can be run in the OnWorks free hosting provider using one of our multiple free online workstations such as Ubuntu Online, Fedora Online, Windows online emulator or MAC OS online emulator



teqser - texture pre-processor from Aqsis Renderer, a 3D rendering solution adhering to
the RenderMan(R) standard


teqser [options] infile outfile


-h, -help
Print this help and exit

Print version information and exit

-v, -verbose=integer
Set log output level 0 = errors 1 = warnings (default) 2 = information 3 = debug

[none|lzw|packbits|deflate] (default: none)

-envcube px nx py ny pz nz
produce a cubeface environment map from 6 images.

produce a latlong environment map from an image file.

produce a shadow map from a z file.

s wrap [black|periodic|clamp] (default: black)

(equivalent to swrap for BMRT compatibility)

t wrap [black|periodic|clamp] (default: black)

(equivalent to twrap for BMRT compatibility)

wrap s&t [black|periodic|clamp]

s (equivalent to wrap for BMRT compatibility)

[box|bessel|catmull-rom|disk|gaussian|sinc|triangle|mitchell] (default: box)

[>=0.0f] (default: 90)

-swidth, -sfilterwidth=float
s width [>0.0f] (default: 1)

-twidth, -tfilterwidth=float
t width [>0.0f] (default: 1)

-width, -filterwidth=float
width [>0.0f] set both swidth and twidth (default: -1)

[>=1.0f && <= 100.0f] (default: 70)

[>=2.0f && <= 2048.0f] (default: 128)

[up|down|round|up-|down-|round-] (default: up) Not used, for BMRT compatibility

compiled Jun 5 2012 15:57:41

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