ubuntu-device-flash - Online in the Cloud

This is the command ubuntu-device-flash that can be run in the OnWorks free hosting provider using one of our multiple free online workstations such as Ubuntu Online, Fedora Online, Windows online emulator or MAC OS online emulator



ubuntu-device-flash -


ubuntu-device-flash [OPTIONS]



revision to use, absolute or relative allowed

Only download.

Use a different image server

Cleans up cache with all downloaded bits

Skip TLS certificate validation

-v, --verbose
More messages will be printed out


Creates ubuntu core images

Usage: ubuntu-device-flash [OPTIONS] core [core-OPTIONS]

Specify the channel to use

-o, --output
Name of the image file to create

-s, --size
Size of image file to create in GB (min 4)

--oem The snappy oem package to base the image out of

Specify a local device part to override the one from the server

Finds the latest public key in your ~/.ssh and sets it up using cloud-init

Enable ssh on the image through cloud-init(not needed with developer mode)

Install additional packages (can be called multiple times)

Generate a pure cloud image without setting up cloud-init

Specify the device to use

Run queries against the image server

Choose from the list of query options to retrieve information from the server

Usage: ubuntu-device-flash [OPTIONS] query [query-OPTIONS]

List available channels

List available images for a channel

Show information for an image in the given channel

Specify an alternate channel

Specify the device to use as a base for querying

Flashes ubuntu touch images

Usage: ubuntu-device-flash [OPTIONS] touch [touch-OPTIONS]

bootstrap the system, do this from the bootloader

--wipe Clear all data after flashing

Serial of the device to operate

Enables developer mode after the factory reset, this is meant for automation and
makes the device insecure by default (requires --password)

Specify a local device tarball to override the one from the server (using official
Ubuntu images with different device tarballs)

Specify a local custom tarball to override the one from the server (using official
Ubuntu images with different custom tarballs)

Run a script given by path to finish the flashing process, instead of rebooting to
recovery (mostly used during development to work around quirky or incomplete
recovery images)

This sets up the default password for the phablet user. This option is meant for CI
and not general use

Specify the channel to use

Specify the device to flash

Specify the recovery image file to use when flashing, overriding the one from the
device tarball (useful if the latter has no adb enabled)

9 June 2015 ubuntu-device-flash(1)

Use ubuntu-device-flash online using onworks.net services

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