ucimf_start - Online in the Cloud

This is the command ucimf_start that can be run in the OnWorks free hosting provider using one of our multiple free online workstations such as Ubuntu Online, Fedora Online, Windows online emulator or MAC OS online emulator



ucimf_start - libucimf unicode console input method framework starter




ucimf_start is an assistant program to help setting up ucimf and start consle terminal


ucimf_start needs to be set setuid to root (and setgid to utmp) to be functional,
otherwise users cannot use keyboard shortcut in fbterm because Debian does not install
fbterm with setuid by default.

setuid to root could probably do harm to your security, so set it at your own risk. If you
run FbTerm, use fbterm -i fbterm_ucimf to start it instead.

ucimf needs to run under an UTF-8 consle environment, please use locale -a to see the
UTF-8 locales that your system is supported and use command like export LC_ALL=zh_CN.UTF-8
to set up the locale.

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