xcalib - Online in the Cloud

This is the command xcalib that can be run in the OnWorks free hosting provider using one of our multiple free online workstations such as Ubuntu Online, Fedora Online, Windows online emulator or MAC OS online emulator



xcalib - Tiny monitor calibration loader for Xorg.


xcalib [-options] ICCPROFILE


xcalib loads 'vcgt'-tag of ICC profiles to the X-server using the XVidMode Extension in
order to calibrate your display.


-d, -display <host:dpy>

-s, -screen <screen-#>

-c, -clear

-n, -noaction

-v, -verbose

-p, -printramps

-l, -loss

-i, -invert

-gc, -gammacor <gamma>

-b, -brightness <percent>

-co, -contrast <percent>

-red <gamma> <brightness-percent> <contrast-percent>

-green <gamma> <brightness-percent> <contrast-percent>

-blue <gamma> <brightness-percent> <contrast-percent>

-a, -alter

-h, -help


Last parameter MUST be an ICC profile containing a vcgt or mLUT tag or empty if the "-a"
or "-alter" paramter is used or the LUT is to be cleared.

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