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xcolors - Online in the Cloud

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This is the command xcolors that can be run in the OnWorks free hosting provider using one of our multiple free online workstations such as Ubuntu Online, Fedora Online, Windows online emulator or MAC OS online emulator



xcolors - display all X11 color names and colors


xcolors [ -start color ] [ -near color ] [ -distance howfar ]


xcolors reads the rgb.txt file that defines the color names the X server knows and
displays the colors found.

At the top of the window is a sample region containing text. By clicking on the color
names, the color of the sample text can be changed. Mouse button 1 changes the
foreground; button 2 changes the background. The text can also be edited.

Typing ``q'' exits the program.


In addition the the usual X Toolkit options, xcolors understands these command line

-start name
specify a color name to start with; colors before this one in the rgb.txt file are
skipped. This option is useful if there are more colors than will fit on your
screen or in your colormap.

-rgbfile filename
specify an alternate color database file to read.

-near nearcolor
only show colors near this one in the RGB space. All colors within a sphere in the
RGB-space centered on nearcolor are displayed.

-distance howfar
defines how close colors have to be to nearcolor to be displayed. This option sets
the radius of the sphere used by the -near option. The scale is such that the RGB
cube is 256 units on a side. The default is 64.


Set the foreground color of the sample region. If no color is provided, the color
is taken from the border color of the widget where the action occurred.

Same as set-foreground() but sets the background color.

quit() Exit xcolors.


Xcolors has a few top-level application resources that allow customizations that are
specific to xcolors.

startColor (classStartColor)
See the -start option.

rgbFile (classRgbFile)
See the -rgbfile option.

nearColor (classNearColor)
See the -near option.

nearDistance (classNearDistance)
See the -distance option.


Knowing the name and position in the hierarchy of each widget is useful when specifying
resources for them. In the chart below, the class and name of each widget is given.

Xcolors xcolors
Paned panes
AsciiText sample
Viewport viewport
Box colors
Label colorname
Label colorname

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