ydump - Online in the Cloud

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ydump - JSON pretty printer


ydump [Options...] [file]


ydump pretty prints data in the extended JSON format of the yojson library. JSON stands
for JavaScript Object Notation and is a lightweight data-interchange format.

ydump reads from standard input if the file argument is omitted.


-o <file>
pretty print to file instead of standard output

-std use JSON standard syntax only: Convert tuples and variants into standard JSON,
refuse to print NaN and infinities, require the root node to be either an object or
an array.

-c compact output

-s streaming mode: read and write a sequence of JSON values instead of just one (this
is the default).

-u disable streaming mode: A single JSON record is expected.

-sort sort object fields (default: preserve internal field order)

-ob convert to biniou format and pretty print that (experimental)

print version and exit

-help | --help
print options

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