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youtube-downloadp - Online in the Cloud

Run youtube-downloadp in OnWorks free hosting provider over Ubuntu Online, Fedora Online, Windows online emulator or MAC OS online emulator

This is the command youtube-downloadp that can be run in the OnWorks free hosting provider using one of our multiple free online workstations such as Ubuntu Online, Fedora Online, Windows online emulator or MAC OS online emulator



youtube-download - Download video(s) from YouTube


$ youtube-download bT8yLWy4B5w
$ youtube-download http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bT8yLWy4B5w
$ youtube-download < video_list_file


-C, --no-colors
Force disable colored output

-o, --output
output filename, supports `{$value}` format (default: {video_id}.{suffix})

-i, --interval
Download interval (default: 1 (sec))

-p Use the given proxy. Requires LWP::Protocol::socks to be installed for socks proxies.
See examples for syntax. (default: no proxy)

-e, --encode
File system encoding (default: utf8)

-s, --skip
Skip downloading a video, if target file exists.

-f, --force
Force overwrite output file (default: disabled)

-n, --dry-run
Do not download any videos, but print their target filenames, as defined by -o option.
This option still sends query to Google servers to fetch details about given video.

-F, --fmt
Video quality (SEE ALSO Wikipedia)

-v, --verbose
Turns on chatty output (default: enabled)

-U, --url
Show playback URL of a video, but do not download it

-q, --quiet
Turns off the most output

-h, --help
Display help

-m, --man
Display help page

-V, --version
Display version

Supply your own user agent string

supported `{$value}` format
{video_id} / {user} / {title} / {fmt} / {suffix} / {resolution}

$ youtube-download -o "[{video_id}] {title}.{suffix}"
$ youtube-download -p socks:// -o "{title} by {user} (youtube {video_id}).{suffix}"

Use youtube-downloadp online using onworks.net services

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