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yri - documentation tool in console for Ruby


yri [options] Path_to_object


yard(1) is an extensible documentation generation tool for the Ruby programming language.
It enables the user to generate consistent, usable documentation that can be exported to a
number of formats very easily, and also supports extending for custom Ruby constructs such
as custom class level definitions.

yri(1), synonym for yard ri gives the possibility to read the documentation for Ruby
programs inside a console, pretty much like ri(1).


General Options:
-b, --db FILE
Use a specified .yardoc db to search in

-T, --no-pager
No pager

-p, --pager PAGER
Use PAGER as a pager

Other options:
-e, --load FILE
A Ruby script to load before running command.

--plugin PLUGIN
Load a YARD plugin (gem with `yard-' prefix)

Use old style Ruby parser and handlers. Always on in 1.8.x.

Enable safe mode for this instance

-q, --quiet
Show no warnings.

Show more information.

Show debugging information.

Show stack traces

-v, --version
Show version.

-h, --help
Show a help message, similar to this page.


yri String#gsub

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