zblacklist - Online in the Cloud

This is the command zblacklist that can be run in the OnWorks free hosting provider using one of our multiple free online workstations such as Ubuntu Online, Fedora Online, Windows online emulator or MAC OS online emulator



zblacklist - zmap IP blacklist tool


zblacklist [ -b <blacklist> ] [ -w <whitelist> ] [ OPTIONS... ]


ZBlacklist is a network tool for limiting and deduplicating a list of IP addresses using a
blacklist or whitelist.


-b, --blacklist-file=path
File of subnets to exclude, in CIDR notation, one-per line. It is recommended you
use this to exclude RFC 1918 addresses, multicast, IANA reserved space, and other
IANA special-purpose addresses. An example blacklist file blacklist.conf for this

-w, --whitelist-file=name
File of subnets to include, in CIDR notation, one-per line. All other subnets will
be excluded.

-l, --log-file=name
File to log to.

-v, --verbosity
Level of log detail (0-5, default=3)

DonĀ“t deduplicate input addresses. Default is false.

Ignore invalid entries in the blacklist. Default is false.

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