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rawtmp - Online in the Cloud

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rawtmp - display wtmp entries in raw form.


rawtmp [-da] [-w wtmp|-] [-X[3|4]d] [-s start] [-e end] [-b H:M:S] [--help] [--version]


Rawtmp is a utility to dump the raw data in a wtmp or utmp file to the screen for viewing.
It may be useful to anyone who wishes to divine the nature of the data stored in the wtmp
or utmp files. It may also be useful to extract special wtmp entries that are not
documented anywhere (like those netdate puts in the wtmp file).

If on a logout, when the username is encoded in the ut_user field by replacing the first
character of the username with a null, rawtmp will print the contents of the user field
with a leading dot '.' to denote the null character. Only agetty and tacacs control
software are currently known to use this logging method.


Rawtmp understands the following command line switches:

--help Outputs a verbose usage listing.

Displays the version of rawtmp.

-w wtmp
Select a different input file instead of the default (/var/log/wtmp).

-X[3] Read a wtmp file maintained by versions 3.3 or 3.4 Tacacs terminal server access
control software.

-X4 Read a wtmp file maintained by version 4.0 of Tacacs terminal server access control

-d Output the time in MMM DD HH:MM:SS format instead of raw time for a more human
readable form (and to actually know what day you're looking at!).

-a Print the contents of the ut_addr field (in quad-dotted notation) instead of using
the ut_host field. Note: ut_addr is almost never used and more than likely
contains garbage information.

-b hours[:minutes[:seconds]]
Consider only those utmp entries that fall within the last few
hours/minutes/seconds from the current time, disregarding the rest.

-s start
Selects the starting date of the report, in mm/dd/yy format.

-e end Selects the ending date of the report, in mm/dd/yy format.

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