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gt-splicesiteinfo - Online in the Cloud

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This is the command gt-splicesiteinfo that can be run in the OnWorks free hosting provider using one of our multiple free online workstations such as Ubuntu Online, Fedora Online, Windows online emulator or MAC OS online emulator



gt-splicesiteinfo - Show information about splice sites given in GFF3 files.


gt splicesiteinfo [option ...] [GFF3_file ...]


-seqfile [filename]
set the sequence file from which to take the sequences (default: undefined)

-encseq [filename]
set the encoded sequence indexname from which to take the sequences (default:

set the sequence files from which to extract the features use -- to terminate the list
of sequence files

-matchdesc [yes|no]
search the sequence descriptions from the input files for the desired sequence IDs (in
GFF3), reporting the first match (default: no)

-matchdescstart [yes|no]
exactly match the sequence descriptions from the input files for the desired sequence
IDs (in GFF3) from the beginning to the first whitespace (default: no)

-usedesc [yes|no]
use sequence descriptions to map the sequence IDs (in GFF3) to actual sequence
entries. If a description contains a sequence range (e.g., III:1000001..2000000), the
first part is used as sequence ID (III) and the first range position as offset
(1000001) (default: no)

-regionmapping [string]
set file containing sequence-region to sequence file mapping (default: undefined)

-addintrons [yes|no]
add intron features between existing exon features (before computing the information
to be shown) (default: no)

-o [filename]
redirect output to specified file (default: undefined)

-gzip [yes|no]
write gzip compressed output file (default: no)

-bzip2 [yes|no]
write bzip2 compressed output file (default: no)

-force [yes|no]
force writing to output file (default: no)

display help and exit

display version information and exit

File format for option -regionmapping:

The file supplied to option -regionmapping defines a “mapping”. A mapping maps the
sequence-region entries given in the GFF3_file to a sequence file containing the
corresponding sequence. Mappings can be defined in one of the following two forms:

mapping = {
chr1 = "hs_ref_chr1.fa.gz",
chr2 = "hs_ref_chr2.fa.gz"


function mapping(sequence_region)
return "hs_ref_"..sequence_region..".fa.gz"

The first form defines a Lua (http://www.lua.org) table named “mapping” which maps each
sequence region to the corresponding sequence file. The second one defines a Lua function
“mapping”, which has to return the sequence file name when it is called with the
sequence_region as argument.


Report bugs to <[email protected]>.

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